Tuesday, April 22nd, 2003
Guest: John McGinley & James Mangold
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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From the TV show Scrubs
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Tuesday, April 22nd, 2003
Guest: John McGinley & James Mangold
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
From the TV show Scrubs
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
John McGinley (Scrubs) and Director James Mangold are in to promote the movie “Idenity”.. decent show. Caller asks John what it was like to work with John Candy in his final days.
James Mangold is a vocal doppelganger, if you will, for Rich Eisen. It took me a minute to come up with that but I’m damn proud of it.
That is astute observation. I would not have thought twice about his voice, but you are correct.
This show has tons of wasted potential. Of course John C. McGinley is a charismatic guy, and James Mangold turns out to be really engaging. Sounds like a recipe for a fun show.
Unfortunately, the first half of the show is dominated by heavy trauma/abuse calls, which totally spoils the mood. John seems to be bummed out, and hardly talks during the second half. James rallies, and he and Adam have some good back-and-forth as Adam tries to suck up and get an acting job. (A caller asks James about his next film, which would turn out to be “Walk the Line.”) Overall it’s an OK show, but it should have been great.
Wow, “schwanz augur.” A RARE comedic musing from Drew. Speechless from laughter.
Check it out right at 1:30:20….
Adam gives Drew a hard time about not having seen classic movies and not knowing enough about them, with Drew falling back on his tried and true med school excuse.
Around the 40 minute mark though it’s actually Drew who correctly names the screenwriter who wrote “Wagons East” when even John C. McGinley (who was in the movie) doesn’t recognize the name.
Wow it’s really interesting to hear James mangold mention Joaquin Phoenix is going to play Johnny Cash two years before Walk the Line came out
This might be the hardest “sell” of a movie.. but I suppose you have to if you have the director! I don’t usually (ever) complain about drops but they might have been a little forced, at least in the first half.. I think Anderson was excited by the guests (Drew too).
Around 13:10 on why guys don’t mind squirters. Adam: “it’s one thing to know you graduated, it’s another thing to get a diploma”
Funny because Adam has never gotten a diploma and has never gotten a woman to climax