Monday, April 21st, 2003

Guest: Christopher Titus

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

4.01 (36 votes)

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Show Summary:

Titus mocks Adam's Muckluk's(uggs) less than a minute into the show.

Adam yells at Tara/Bryan for bringing the coffee into the studio right as the show is starting.

Adam complains about how they still have not moved to the KROQ studios after years of complaining.

Titus discusses a Drama pilot he filmed for NBC, Future Tense a law in order type show that takes place in the future, it never did get picked up.

Adam discusses his Lie detector idea and how it would revolutionize society, in detail.

Titus mentions Lacey Peterson.

Drew analyzes Lacey from some photographs he saw, he deems her as possibly a borderline personality disorder.

Adam, Drew and Titus discuss the case in detail and it is still captivating, Adam mentions how detectives found a receipt for ankle weights but Scott could not provide info as to the whereabouts of the weights.

Titus discusses being diagnosed with prostatitis during his wifes pregnancy and the humiliation in having a disease with your name in it (Prostatitus).

Titus discusses his other various TV pilots and is actually in studio promoting a charity event for a foundation he started with his friends for LA foster children.

Titus is asked about his custom chevy he built with Chip Foose and how it almost cost him is marriage and how he is now selling his dodge viper in an effort to please his wife.

He briefly mentions the cancellation of his series Titus.

Adam rants about people who criticize him for collecting cars, which leads to one of the funniest riffs ever between Titus and Adam.

Adam discusses how Drew has not purchased the car of his dreams yet, in despite of his love for the M5 Drew hadn't yet bought it do to being P-whipped.

Drew mentions Herpetic Whitlow a condition that affect the hands and finger nails.

Adam "I've not fingered in like nine years...."

Titus claims he was an Alcoholic and a Drug Addict before falling into a bonfire at 17, which Drew responds to and really delves into the concept of "getting it", the realization that your addictions will eventually kill you, he mentions his interest in the phenomenon.

Adam claims Drew's wife could drive someone into a bonfire.

Drew announces his excitement for the following nights guest John C. Mcginley from Scrubs.

Titus delves into the real reason Titus was canceled, apparently he made Gail Burman from fox very angry when he criticized her during an executive meeting for his show.


Extended Titus the series discussion.

the Trio network is mentioned.

Politically incorrect and Real time with Bill Maher are mentioned.

Titus breaks down how and when he decided to go into comedy, why he almost quit ten years into his career and how he obtained success.

Titus compliments Adam on the sophistication of his beat off jokes, and how they have evolved over the years.

Show business and charity are discussed in depth towards the end of the show.

Titus recalls a late night street race in his Viper where he got it over 160mph on the freeway.

Adam " could freak you out though if you were high and thought I basically ate some Round up for my baby"

Titus "hahahaha...ate some Round up,...I know what it means but..."

Titus discusses his other niece on his wife's side of the family who is 14 and pregnant, not the sexually abused lesbian pot dealer skate boarder they adopted but his wife's other sisters kid.

They discuss the complexities of teen pregnancy and abortion rights.

Titus tries to sell Adam and Drew some high priced tickets to the charity event.

Adam doesn't understand how stadiums are allowed to be renamed based on

commercial investments.

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: timex2

Transferred By: ?

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

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