Thursday, March 20th, 2003

Guest: Greg Proops

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.96 (40 votes)

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Show Summary:

From the TV show Whose Line is it Anyway

After Greg makes a cul-de-sac reference, Adam asks the difference between a cul-de-sac and a dead end.

Greg talks about performing in front of Prince Charles.

There is a discussion that cars need to be named after animals again, like the Impala. They also talk about the ugly 70's avocado car and appliance color and how it was more like the interior of an avocado.

In the middle of Greg's Imrpov plug, Drew interrupts to talk about his daughter taking first place in an ice skating competition.

Caller Billy greets them by calling them Drew and Dr. Adam.

The previous night's guest was Victoria Silvstedt and Adam hit on her most of the time she was there. It turns out Lynette was listening to the show. She was not happy. When he walked into his room he was greeted by "Have a nice time at the show tonight?" and it was all downhill from there. They get into how women will make guys feel bad by saying things like "Why don't you have Victoria Silvstedt make you breakfast?" and how men would never try that on women. Adam said he tried to come back by blaming it on his job and how hitting on a guest helps make the big bucks. His last argument was that he left the Stuff Magazine in the studio for Anderson and that he did not bring it into their house.

Adam complains about some bowls getting super hot in the microwave while others are fine. He decides that the pottery barn should have a separate space for microwave-safe bowls. Adam tells a story about getting a very nice set of brand new dishes but they had a band of metal going around the top of them, not microwave safe.

Greg and Drew make a joke about a place called Camp Snoopy.

Greg talks about the making of his Crank Yankers ep.

Caller John is busted for doing a horrible job at a bogus call.

Last night Survivor had a very graphic game that involved ripping pieces of beef that got stuck in each other's teeth and spitting them into a bucket, meanwhile they had to scramble out a boob the week before.

Adam asks why there isn't any more comedy that involves getting a hand stuck in a bowling ball or a foot in a bucket. Also discussed is when the two people living together get in a fight and lay down a line of tape splitting the house in half.

Adam gives thanks where thanks is due. Terra don't call me Tara is out of town and Bald Bryan is watching CNN.

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: timex2

Transferred By: ?

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (7)

  1. jazzin

    Great Show. Greg is brilliant but not overbearing. He would have made a great regular guest imo.
    Around 48min:
    “…except when Victoria Silvstead calls – collect from Schnürgen-Würgen” 😀 cracked me up

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