Wednesday, March 19th, 2003
Guest: Victoria Silvstedt
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
Show Contains: Adam hitting on guest, first Attack Crows reference, full moon night, No! Cannot have!!!
Adam says Victoria will be a bit late because as he was driving in, he saw Victoria drive past him going in the other direction. Throughout the show, Adam hits on her while he doesn't know Lynette is at home listening. He pays for it when he gets home and they discuss it the next night.
There war was announced today. Drew was at a little league game when it was announced. They agree that Saddam needs to die because of all the horrible things he has done.
When Victoria gets to the studio, Adam mentions that she smells really good. When he sees her on the cover of Stuff Magazine he asks if she is attracted to him at all.
Adam suggests that Victoria is too good for her husband of three years. He asks to see her thong tan line at some time during the show as well.
Adam says there are a number of sploozers outside waiting to get Victoria's autograph. This is where her BJ drop comes from.
Coming back from a break, Adam has to yell at Drew for talking to the guest at the start of the segment.
Adam calls Anderson passive-aggressive for saying he was kinder and funnier when he was high on Vicodin.
Victoria is in the movie Boat Trip, and apparently in London there is a poster of her riding a banana on the sides of busses there.
Adam decides that instead of leaving after the first hour like she planned, Victoria will have to stay and additional segment as punishment for coming in late and also for not showing him her tan line yet.
Adam almost changes his mind about Victoria when she says she does not like to eat smoked almonds.
Victoria reveals to Adam that she likes to use "nipple clamps."
This is the show where Adam unveils his idea for Attack Crows. Drew suggests the name "Adam's Pecker Brigade."
Back to the Ant problem, Drew wonders if getting an aardvark would help.
It is a full moon night and people on the roads were driving very slowly. Drew said the little league game he was at had a strange energy also.
Anderson plays the System of a Down/No! Cannot have!!! clip. This causes Adam to tell the story about the falafel stand where he tried to use his credit card with the $10 minimum and got in a heated argument with the guy working there.
A girl calls in to tell Adam that the crow is the 8th smartest animal in the world.
Drew suggests Victoria was kicked out of Sweden for not liking smoked foods.
There is a bit of a clock SNAFU in the studio.
Adam suggests having all horrible parents, junkies and abusers to be sent over to Iraq so that they can be used as human shields.
A girls says her boyfriend will yell his mothers name out and he does not think it is a big deal or abnormal.
At the end of the show Adam says he will not be bringing the Stuff Magazine home with him.
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
“first Attack Crows reference” ??
adam came up with that years before this, and he has mentioned i since then.
I now think that I used to listen to shows out of order.
I think he brought up the idea of training birds before but this was possible the first time he used the term “Attack Crows.”
adam was gross, creepy, and mean in this one.
She brings up her husband frequently (probably because Adam was laying it on thick with her) who I believe is on CBS morning news – what an odd couple!
very dumb guest, with a terrible (tara reid) level boob job. looks like they pulled 1 layer of skin over 2 softballs.
Why the hell did Adam find the attack crows thing so hilarious or clever… god damn.
Starting to not like the creepy Adam with a hot female guest so much.
At the end Drew has to tell him to leave her alone.