Sunday, February 2nd, 2003
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Bruce Heischober
Listen to theShow
Show Summary:
Bogus (?) 16-year-old caller's friends think he's gay; Anderson chimes in with drops.
Adam complains about dermatologists, turns it into a rant.
Recording Info:
Size: 41.90 MB
Length: 1:31:32
Bitrate: 64kb/s CBR
Bogus (?) 16-year-old caller’s friends think he’s gay; Anderson chimes in with drops. Adam complains about dermatologists, turns it into a rant.
Caller Josh calls in and says he has aspirations of doing what Adam does. They let him handle a call from caller Sandy-and it is HILARIOUS. Josh does a great job, I think for being on the fly- but Adam yelling at Bruce seals the hilarity.
Caller Josh fills in for Adam:
the josh call is hilarious
1:09:10 recording of Drew singing opera
A whole lot of Adam yelling at Bruce. I like it when every now and again Drew or Bruce will reveal to Adam that they get together and talk about Adam’s various neuroses and how they lead to him yelling at them. They just sit quietly and let the wave roll over them to placate him.
Hilarious show, Bruce and Adam basically argue the entire show.
Wow. Michelle towards the end is so painfully stupid.
Bruce: What does your boyfriend do for a living?
Caller: He has a lot of money.
Bruce: Is this old rich or nuevo rich?
Caller: No. I’m 25. He’s 29.
Would love to listen to this show, but it will not play for me. Tried both browser and downloading. Bummer
Yeah the episodes aren’t playing for me either right now. I was thinking of throwing my computer out the window but I saw your comment so I guess I’m not alone.
Around 55:00 there is an argument over whether the term “mulatto” is offensive. Adam asks Bruce to look it up in the dictionary to confirm its origin, but he gets distracted reading the entry for “mule deer.”
Caller Josh fills in for Adam for a few calls and hilarity ensues.
Adam is irritable, Bruce is in a good mood. Caller Josh was doing a good job filling in for Adam, I don’t know why Adam wanted Dr. Bruce to jump in. It would have killed the bit… but he wouldn’t let it go.
LOL at the caller wanting Bill Simmons on the show and Adam telling him basically to EFF OFF. hahaha I would’ve loved to Bill on the show. I love AC, LL and BS. Would’ve been a match made in heaven.
I believe this is the first mention of Bill Simmons (00:08:00).
00:10:13 Only took 10 years, but JKL did eventually move to the 11:35 time slot.