Wednesday, January 22nd, 2003

Guest: Unwritten Law

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.46 (20 votes)

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Show Summary:

Scott Russo & Pat "PK" Kim

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: timex2

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Comments (11)

  1. I agree. Lots of great callers. And by “great” I mean really stupid. There’s the 18 year old that wants a kid. She’s been trying since her police boyfriend was 24 and she was 16. The boyfriend has two kids with two other women. Sarah, is just… dumb. Her leg goes numb after sex. She doesn’t understand why they ask her about her voice. She thinks she was held back because she was “small”.

    The band didn’t seem that out of it to me, but the one dude kept saying “Check it out” but after his point, instead of before the point, like you would expect.

  2. Stung

    Alright, these clowns say that a neighbor lit off a Dry Ice Bomb (around 5 minutes) and caused serious damage to a security guard, cop, and another person including blown eardrum and other various injuries.

    Back when I was working in a warehouse, LISTENING to loveline around this date, unrelatedly we were bored and started letting off such bombs after we finished our workload. One part water, one part dry ice, contained in a plastic bottle. Started with gatorades, moved onto 3 gallon Ice Mountain bottles. Well, one of the ice mountain bottles wouldn’t go off despite being the size of a beach ball, so I touched it to throw it. Went off in my hand, burst a ton of capillaries, had a concussed hand for a week, had to run to the ER without the boss knowing so I just jumped out the loading dock and called it a night.

    Super loud noises, much louder than an M80 (the ice mountain was anyway). Thought my hand was broken. But in a nutshell, I call BS that there was only a dry ice bomb and the guy got 12 charges including felony charges. More to it than that.

    Interesting story though.

  3. Stung

    In other words, big loud noise with dryice bomb, but deep so non-piercing sound, and not all that damaging. Still don’t recommend the damn things after that experience.

  4. HateSquiggle

    Decent guests, you could kind of tell Adam and Anderson offended the Asian guest with their drop and comment on the height and brains of Asians he was quite the rest of the show. Mediocre episode

  5. iowaandy

    The guests (or at least one) do sound a little baked. Adam sounds like he has had a few (or just tired). First sub-par episode of 2003, but there were a few interesting calls.

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