Monday, January 13th, 2003
Guest: Stephen Baldwin
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
Listen to theShow
Show Summary:
From the TV show Celebrity Mole
Adam rants about the W Hotel.
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Monday, January 13th, 2003
Guest: Stephen Baldwin
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
From the TV show Celebrity Mole
Adam rants about the W Hotel.
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Adam rants about the W Hotel.
Man, Bladwin is annoying.
Stephen is beyond wacko and goes on a rampage for red bull (after consuming several – woof). He asks if speed can harm you and when asked if he was using, he refuted quite unconvincingly.
I could only get through half of the show. Stephen Baldwin is high on Red Bull and possibly speed and won’t shut up.
Stephen is totally on speed. He quizzes Drew about a drug at 1 hour 20 minutes and I would bet dollars to doughnuts that he is on it.
The comments here aren’t very nice. Baldwin is pretty hilarious and it’s great to hear him laughing. Interestingly, he brings up a Christian radio show that he listens to, the beginnings of his conversion to Christianity.
@astonot The comments are mean because he acts like a jackass the entire show
Stephen sucks.
I will join the consensus of the douchebaggery of Stevey Baldwin.
One of the worst guest I’ve heard. Jacked up on speed and red bull, annoying, doesn’t care about the show or callers. You can tell halfway through the show Drew, Adam, and Anderson have had enough….Rare 2 star rating.
The show is a trainwreck but it is somewhat saved by Anderson’s drops. Do you own a ranch in Ojai?
Adam gets a little uncomfortable talking about Kathy Griffin at the start, since Stephen clearly doesn’t like her. Adam and Stephen talk cars a little bit. Stephen keeps trying to plug a Christian radio show towards the end. The last caller is a 21-year-old girl who smokes weed everyday and doesn’t care if she gets pregnant. She says she lost one of her tubes and Adams asks if she lost it or used it to smoke weed out of. Proceeds to riff on it to Drew’s amusement.
Stephen tries so hard to be a “wacky guest” and fails so, so miserably. Tryhard tool.