Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
Guest: Queens of the Stone Age
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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band leaves at about 50 mins…pretty funny show but I can’t remember a lot of it because I was stoned.
One great part, right at the very end…
Adam: You can draw some pretty nice ‘tang from a wheelchair
Handicapped teen caller: Huh?
I almost hesitate to bring it up because part of what makes it great is how it kind of sneaks up on you during that winding-the-show-up lull, but I would hate for ya to miss it
Drew and Adam both break into *hysterical* mocking laughter at a guy around 54min:
Adam: “Are you having sex?”
Caller: “…occasionally”
Drew and Adam can’t contain themselves, Drew specifically said Nope no way. Clearly guy ain’t getting laid.
Anderson gets weird w/ the show content again, bleeps a guy for saying “hissy-fit” and Adam and Drew let him have it…. the band is pretty hilarious actually, adds to the comedy. And in my opinion their music still holds up in 2014, quality, good music. Great episode, 4 Stars.
Patton Oswalt calls Adam on his cell during the show and he answers.
Great episode with lots of bizarre callers all night.
Wanna know how often Jacob gets laid 55:18
Meh episode, QOTSA are mediocre guests that laugh at Adams terrible jokes (dropping trout.) Adam tries a little hard this episode and Andersons drops get to Carolla
It’s not that Anderson’s drops get to Adam… if you listen to the “anti-violent” caller in the second hour, Anderson starts to try to rile the caller up so he’ll go berserk or something. At one point, way in the background, you can hear the “sit down n*****” Adam drop. Very weird moment. That’s when Adam (and Drew) are kind of like… “uhh.. what are you doing?”
But, actually a lot of drops for 2002, especially the first hour. Maybe they are on the way back in full. Notable Anderson show.
Hatesquiggle: are you anderson?
At about 1:09:00, Adam and Drew are talking to a black man that is on S.S.I. For Bipolar and anger problems and refuses to work because he’s obviously just too lazy. He claims that the judge said he could never work again, even from home. Anderson plays some drops to try to piss him off and treat his alleged ‘Anger problem’. If you turn the volume up, you can hear Anderson play the Adam drop “Hey Nigger, Sit down!” and it totally shocks Adam and Drew. It was probably one of the funniest things I have ever heard on Loveline! I miss this show. It would be cancelled so quick now days!
You’re right droffig. I’m not hearing ‘nigger’ nearly enough these days. Such a shame.
these people wanting more n word drops are deranged. that’s comedy to you? should delete these comments and not allow that word.