Wednesday, August 21st, 2002 - #1799

Guest: Tom Arnold

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

4.61 (190 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #1799 (feat. Tom Arnold)
08/21/2002 – Wednesday Night Show
Source – KNRK CD Recording (2021) with a Stream Recording (2002) Patch

This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Tom Arnold is making his final appearance of the Adam era. This is considered by most fans to be the funniest/best episode of LoveLine due to a specific call and the comedy it inspires. Legendary Episode!

From the TV show The Best Damn Sports Show Period

This classic episode features the much-discussed "Holocaust Call" in which a phone sex operator calls to get advice on keeping her callers on the line longer. The call is funny all the way through, but culminates in one of the funniest exchanges in the history of the show. Adam suggests she try to subliminally add references to the Holocaust to her calls, which they then practice by role playing. Hilarity ensues.

Recording Info:

Added: 6/11/2021

Recorded By: Anderson

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (36)

  1. skim

    YES!!! The holocaust call. I heard this live WAAAAAAAAAY back in the day when it first aired and have been wondering where I could find it. One of the most classic Loveline moments.

  2. emilmuzz

    This episode was fantastic even without the holocaust call, thanks to Tom and his stories. But the holocaust call sends it over the edge. It’s troubling to realize that people are in fact this dumb, but at least in this instance they are harnessed to provide entertainment for the rest of us.

  3. asabattle

    Rarely, no, extremely rarely do callers even understand Adams reenactment requests, let alone actualy go through with them
    so the fact that the holocaust call happened is insane

  4. TE

    This classic episode features the much-discussed “Holocaust Call” in which a phone sex operator calls to get advice on keeping her callers on the line longer. The call is funny all the way through, but culminates in one of the funniest exchanges in the history of the show. Adam suggests she try to subliminally add references to the Holocaust to her calls, which they then practice by role playing. Hilarity ensues.

  5. Damien

    Tom Arnold’s story about being abused by his babysitter is one of the most deeply personal stories told by a guest on the show, and try as he might to make light of the whole saga you can still hear all the anger and pain in his voice towards the end. Incredibly confronting radio. Immediately followed one of the funniest things you’ll ever hear.

  6. BorisYeltsin

    If there’s a show that deserves 5-stars this is it. Tom Arnold is definitely one of the top-teir guests, and the last call of the night made it THEEE best episode ever.

    Heard it live back when I was in middle school, and I’ve been hooked to the show since (during the Adam years of course.)

  7. Justin

    damn this is one of the great episodes, lots of great comedy and commentary
    first caller “Justin” had me rolling as well as the last “Holocaust” caller
    Must listen!

  8. ct

    Very good episode. I remember hearing this one live back in the day. Arnold is a very funny guest and I remember his molestation story being very inspiring. It is to this day. 4/5

  9. Mikejeffrieson

    after listening to this episode I can’t understand why it is rated so high

    the holocaust call is hilarious but it just happens to occur when tom arnold is the guest

    I find tom arnold to be boring…he just isn’t an interesting guest

  10. gooch

    After you listen to this show. Listen to the next days show 8.22.2002 when they replay the call and talk about it and what it meant to them. Adam loves this call, and they brought it up for years. So good!

  11. JohnDillinger

    Tom Arnold’s history was shocking and gave me a better perspective on him and more respect for the man.

    I remember when I was a young teenager (over a decade ago) listening to this episode for the first time and DYING OF LAUGHTER in my bed. I wasn’t supposed to be up so late at night listening to the radio so I had to keep the noise down but man I couldn’t contain myself after hearing the holocaust stuff. I had to jam my face in my pillow to muffle the sound. This is really a classic episode.

    Thank you for creating lovelinetapes and bringing back old memories!

  12. kimchi-qu33n

    Why is this episode unavailable now? I was able to listen to it within the last year…. Is it a legal issue or something?? It’s a legendary episode! I wish we could still hear it on here! 🙂

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    Lorene, M, 20

    Phone actress has problem with customers finishing too quickly. Famous "Holocaust call."

    phone sex


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