Tuesday, July 30th, 2002
Guest: Linkin Park
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Added: 8/2/2017
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Adam at 50m: “‘The Fast & The Furious’ was like ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ for tards.” HA!!
Adam makes fun of The Fast & The Furious:
Talking about indignant people who act hurt when you ALMOST hit them.
Drew: Describe him.
Adam: Imagine a pussy.
4/5 – show was solid. Adam arrives late and drunk because he was at the Manshows going away party. R.I.P The Man Show. Linkin Park was okay , they laughed at Adam’s jokes and engaged throughout. Highlight of the show was Adam absolutely clowning on a The Fast and The Furious!! It’s a hilarious rant about how comical and phony the movie is.. whats great is how it’s such an iconic movie even to this day. Adam also shares a story about almost backing into a guy walking and how some people are pussies. Hilarious! Drew was great and so were most callers. Check it out.
No lead singer Chester on this show. Chester later committed suicide in 2017.
The most recent Fast and Furious movie as of this post is Fast X (2023), the 11th movie of the franchise.
Dom Toretto lives his life a quarter-mile at a time.
Anderson slips in that “Drew lives his life one call at a time.”
Adam lives HIS life “one nap at a time.”