Sunday, July 14th, 2002
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Added: 8/2/2017
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Adam talks about visiting a prison earlier in the day as part of a segment on the Man Show. He found that the guys who were in for murder were surprisingly nice. Later he tells a story about a guy who killed someone with his hand hook.
The call from 17 year old Amy at the 30:38 mark broke my heart. She was six months pregnant and wanted to know if it was OK to have a bondage threesome with a couple of guy friends. When she comments that she has been into S&M since she was six, Drew asks what happened to her. Amy tells them that when she was little, her stepfather used to tape her to a chair and force her to watch porn. Later he raped her and her mother didn’t believe her and even testified against her when it went to trial. Adam and Drew beg her to give the kid up for adoption. Drew goes even further, saying that he would OK the S&M threesome if she agreed to give the baby up.
The guys go to the phones and say the caller’s name but she is having a conversation with someone in the room with her. They quiet down and listen to her and she drops the F-bomb ten seconds in. Adam and Drew both say they knew that was coming. They go back to her and she drops the S-bomb immediately. They laugh their asses off.
Then they go back to her and she says to the guy in the room “I don’t know I could hear the radio but now there’s nothing” so Adam then puts her on hold and starts ranting with his “bla bla bla bla metal detectors, bla bla bla, I hate my parents, bla bla bla jerking off, bla bla bla” so she hears him on the radio and doesn’t suspect something’s up.
This whole exchange is hilarious. They eventually take her call.
Adam: “Ryan, you’re 17.”
Ryan (with a voice that trips Adam’s alarm): “Yep.”
Adam: “VIRGIN! Virgin by the way.”
Ryan: “Oookay heh.”
Adam: “Yeah.”
Ryan: “I had a question. Uh, can you grow hair on your scrotum?”
Adam: “I can.”
An underrated (overlooked) no guest show. Some prison talk and some very funny moments where Adam and Drew eavesdrop on a caller having a conversation with someone.
Drew actually makes a funny crack about his ball hair at about 57:00
The part where they listen in on a woman who doesn’t know they are on the line is freaking HILARIOUS.
Drew actually makes a funny crack about his ball hair at about 57:00
Drew actually makes a funny crack about his ball hair at about 57:00
Drew actually makes a funny crack about his ball hair at about 57:00
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Drew actually makes a funny crack about his ball hair at about 57:00′ and benchmark(20000000,sha1(1))–
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Drew actually makes a funny crack about his ball hair at about 57:0021984134′ or 9026=9026–
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Drew actually makes a funny crack about his ball hair at about 57:00″
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Drew actually makes a funny crack about his ball hair at about 57:00|echo ae0c5d4349a58ee4 d8f8e31dd2eaf9c6||a
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Drew actually makes a funny crack about his ball hair at about 57:00|ping -c 20||x
Drew actually makes a funny crack about his ball hair at about 57:00]]>>
You know, if I had one question about this episode it would be, does Drew actually make a funny crack about his ball hair at 57:00. I hope that gets answered.
I laughed so hard when the were trying to throw the callers off the to try to get back to listening to their conversation. Probably one of the funnies Loveline moments ever. 1:02
Please proof read your comments before submitting them. ↓ (-_-)
proofread* 😮
proofread* o.o
Don’t let your life turn out like Amy’s 30:38
The opening of the show is pretty strong. The rest is somewhat average.. but Adam at maybe his most empathic talking about the prisoners from his visit earlier in the day. It would have been interesting to hear a good answer about the representation question — whether these guys would have such long sentences with better representation.
Couple of pretty effed up callers, Amy’s a disaster and sounds like she’s 29 when she’s 17. Also some other spacey girl hears voices. Drews in a good semi lively mood tonight. Good show
4/5 Great show , best part was Adam and Drew eavesdropping in on a callers conversation who doesn’t realize she’s on the air.. Adam talking about his visit to prison was interesting. Drew cracked some good jokes this ep. Drops are still steady making a comeback!!