Monday, July 1st, 2002
Guest: Kathy Griffin
Host: Adam, Dr. Bruce Heischober
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Added: 8/2/2017
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Good episode. Since Kathy is late, Adam starts the show talking about the abuse Bruce receives when he plays basketball with Adam and others from the Man Show. Kathy arrives around the 7:45 mark. She is on the show to promote her appearances at the Laugh Factory. Later in the show, Adam asks about the building the Laugh Factory is located in and Kathy comments that it is a historic location and that Charlie Chaplin once lived there. This sends Adam off on a rant about how Charlie Chaplin and Bela Lugosi seemed to have lived in almost every building in Hollywood. This rant is especially funny if you listen to the Jerry Cantrell episode a few days later. He mentions that Charlie Chaplin once lived in the studio where he recorded his latest album.
Around the 38:00 mark, Adam tells a funny story about his sister when she was 14 or 15. Her boyfriend moved into the house with them and had a tattoo that read “Roar 714.” This makes Bruce laugh and Adam says that at first he thought it was the name of a ship or something. Turns out that Roar 714 was the inscription on Quaalude pills.
There are some interesting calls on this episode.
Around 16:12, 19 year old Chad calls in. He wants to know why his girlfriend’s asshole seems to wink at him when she has an orgasm while he is going down on her. Bruce says that this is completely normal and that this actually was a question on his medical boards. At first Adam thinks that he is joking, then realizes that Bruce can’t tell a joke and is telling the truth.
Tina calls in around 40:30. She starts off the call by saying that Adam is very funny but her brother thinks that he is racist and even if he is a racist, that it’s OK because he is funny. The call then turns dark at Tina talks about how she tried to kill herself a few months ago by taking a bunch of Tylenol pills and whenever she takes any pill, it makes her sick. When asked why she tried to kill herself, she answers with, “I just wanted to die.” She then says that she will eventually kill herself, but that it is harder than it seems. She had tried cutting her wrists a few days earlier and it didn’t work. Adam, Bruce, and Kathy tell her to get help.
The last call of the night, at 1:31, is really funny. Leann has questions about her “cliglorious.” Kathy wonders how she could not know the word clitoris.
Anyone know the origin of Adam’s rare “hey nigger, sit down!” drop at 41:00?
Can’t believe that didn’t get censored during this era when Anderson would censor people for saying “piss”
I think it was earlier in 2002, during a call from a black teenager who said that his baseball coach and teammates were all racists. During that call or another one like it, Anderson scolded Adam for saying it but didn’t dump it out, and put it on a cart to embarrass Adam.
The “piss” thing always mystified me (I think Mike censored it too), especially since seemingly more vulgar terms like “jizz” and “asshole” were OK.
I’m just surprised Anderson (being the dick that he is) didn’t play that drop when one of the guests was a rapper
The audio quality is distracting at times but a pretty good show overall.
I am always surprised at Adam and Kathy’s good chemistry
Yeah, weird audio hiccups during the show.
Show seems pretty good unfortunately both recordings can be rather unbearable to listen to, quality wise.
@ 41:25 ish Anderson plays one of the funniest Adam N-word drops I’ve heard yet – seriously the timing is so perfect Anderson needs a medal, I could not stop laughing (the convo is about Adam accused of being racist by a caller)