Sunday, June 30th, 2002

Guest: Home Town Hero

Host: Adam, Dr. Reef

3.73 (15 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #1761 (feat. Home Town Hero with Dr. Reef)
06/30/2002 – Sunday Night Show
Source – Stream Recording (2002)

This episode is 99% complete, just missing the closing goodbye segment, Dr. Reef the George Lazenby of guest host doctors is filling in for Dr. Drew who is still in Scotland with his family on vacation. Home Town Hero are making their only appearance on the show, they prove to be very fun guests and their music is awesome. The band broke up in 2004 before the release of their 2nd EP and went on to form various other bands. I wish we had a new or official recording to patch this one, sadly this is the best it will ever sound and the most complete it will ever be.

Guest Home Town Hero, and Dr.Reef another one time only "Lazenby" Doctor.

the first 5min are kind of choppy but then the quality improves.

The band are great guests and the show is actually very good, Drew is off in Scotland on vacation with his family.

All around very enjoyable show with an interesting Calabasas discussion.

Recording Info:

Added: 6/23/2024

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: ?

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (8)

  1. Orangeplanet

    While Dr. Reef doesn’t contribute much, he has a sense of humor and laughs at a lot of Adam’s jokes. With the AC broken and the studio very hot, Adam spends most of the show complaining about Westwood One. He goes back and forth on what should actually be done to the building. First he says that terrorists should blow it up. Later he says that the building should be persevered so that students can see the mistakes and not do the same. Finally he says that the place should be torched.

  2. Ironblood

    Commercials and what not make it hard to listen to but honestly it’s really not that bad. It’s probably the only time you’ll ever see this doctor on the show but he does a decent job

  3. mrblack169

    Frank calls at about 18 min and at the end of the call says he has tape recorded every episode of the show in 97 and 98. Wonder if he is a member here or ever sent his tapes to anyone like Gio to be digitized.

    Adam does a lot of complaining about the “Westwood None” studio. Interestingly Adam’s podcast has been part of the Podcast One network since close to the beginning of his podcast show. So for as cheap as he thinks Westwood one was, he still had no problem working with them again.

    Both Westwood One and Podcast one are owned by Norm Pattis. If you’re a Lakers fan you’ve seen Norm court side at countless Lakers games with his white hair and always clapping with a paper program in his hand. Especially during tht Kobe-Shaq era. He passed away at 2022 at 79

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