Sunday, June 2nd, 2002

Guest: Kennedy

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.22 (26 votes)

Listen to theShow

Show Summary:

From the TV show Friend or Foe?

This is a great show and perhaps Kennedy's best appearance(of the shows archived).

Extended Abortion discussion/debate.

Adam is in New York with Drew and Kennedy at Westwood (2) none, Adam gets quiet towards the end of the show and actually leaves to go to the bathroom.

The series premier of Crank Yankers is discussed.

Very solid episode

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: ?

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (16)

  1. DylanAZ

    Wasn’t a big fan of this show, mostly because of how annoying Kennedy was. Throughout the entire show she was constantly interrupting Drew and Adam..caused Adam to get pretty pissed and didn’t really talk much in the last half of the show. S

  2. snowblindfriend

    I’ve listened to a few years (every episode) of the old shows now, and this is the first time I can remember Adam sounding tipsy. The last 25 minutes of the show there is some pretty slurred speech, but in all fairness that could have been the delay just screwing with Ace. I like Kennedy, and am not sure why several commenters have been so critical of her. Adam and Drew both say now that Kennedy is one of their favorite people…

  3. absolutdre

    This episode fully displayed the stupidity of Adam Carolla. When someone challenged him with an intelligent argument against abortion what does he do? He gets up and leaves the room to cry like a little bitch! Adam depends on yelling and intimidating whomever he is arguing against to “win” his arguments and then he does a victory lap. Thank god he’s raising two children of his own now. He should have followed his own advice and not had children. Fucking moron

  4. Roth517

    I struggled to get through this show. Adam is in NYC and Kennedy is annoying. She CONSTANTLY chimes in, interrupts and talks over guests, and annoys Adam (he leaves at one point and goes to the bathroom). Two stars.

  5. OscarMilde

    Around the 9 minute mark, Kennedy slips in a little comment that no one picked up on. She tells girls not to wait too long to have sex. I wonder if she was thinking of her own experience, having waited a long time before losing her own virginity.

  6. jazzin

    In the beginning the guest seemed smart and friendly enough, and yet after just 10 minutes became pretty much unbearable: way too wound-up, constantly interrupting and stepping over both the callers’ and the hosts’ points, busting balls etc. I pushed through the entire show waiting for Adam to give her back some sh*t, but sadly that never happened — instead he capitulated like pussy.

  7. dstutz

    Kennedy is actually a great guest in my opinion, but with Adam being remote and Kennedy having so much energy, three becomes a bit of a crowd. But her style of humor is a perfect fit for the show, and she cracks a few jokes that I could’ve imagined Adam making himself. I think Kennedy’s high level of participation and the lack of visual indication of when the others were speaking made it difficult for Adam to chime in much. At one point he gets so aggravated that he actually throws a tantrum and storms out of the room for a bit. Otherwise it’s an OK show, nothing too special, and of course with Drew at the board they fly through calls pretty fast.

  8. iowaandy

    I agree… to the above comment that said Adam walked out because he was challenged, listen again.. he walked out because people kept talking over him. The caller directed the question to him but Drew wouldn’t stop talking.
    I didn’t detect any hostility by Adam directed at Kennedy, he was just tired and frustrated, I think.
    At one point everyone just sort of gives up and refuses to talk but they recover a little after that.

  9. mrblack169

    I love all Loveline episodes, even the “bad” ones.

    Gio’s intro says he thinks Kennedy is mad at Adam and that beef is might be why it’s her final appearance on LL.

    I’ve listened to every LL episode in order and This is probably the worst episode to date.

    Echoing what dztutz said, Kennedy is normally a good guest, but the three of them cannot find rhythm with Adam being out of studio.

    They are constantly talking over eacho other, and it “makes for bad radio.” Adam understandably gets pissed. Fans here think he’s butthurt because he’s getting shut out, but I think he’s annoyed knowing that talking over each other and the callers makes a bad experience for the listeners. So he eventually shuts down.


    Kennedy was famous for being a virgin “VJ” on MTV in the 90s and is currently a host in some Fox News program.

    Adam forsakes his middle name and bashes the Lakers

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