Thursday, May 30th, 2002
Guest: Jimmy Kimmel
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
From the TV show Crank Yankers
Jimmy Kimmel speaks of his recent penile surgery.
Whilst doing so, he passes gas, bombing only Adam, thus completing the karma circle for Drew, allowing the world to tilt back into balance.
Recording Info:
Added: 8/2/2017
Recorded By: ?
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Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Jimmy Kimmel speaks of his recent penile surgery.
Whilst doing so, he passes gas, bombing only Adam, thus completing the karma circle for Drew, allowing the world to tilt back into balance.
Always love it when Jimmy’s on
one time i did get drunk and listed this episode and adam&jimmy where also drinking so this like my little bonding moment with them !
adam and jimmy are drunk
Great little insert by Jimmy at 00:39:10
Let me preface this with saying that I love when Jimmy is on, makes for some of my favorite LL’s. That being said though this is probably the worst episode of 2002 and I strongly suggest not wasting your time. Jimmy & Adam are in NY and have a bad mic so there’s dealing with them taking care of that, but the part that I couldn’t take was they’re drunk (which is usually great) but Jimmy keeps farting and every 5 minutes they go completely off topic with Adam cracking up like a hyena & trying to be funny analyzing Jimmy’s ass. Sounds funny on paper, and it is the 1st & 2nd time, but is just excruciating by fart 6+. Felt so bad for Drew, he’s clearly so annoyed earlier in the show, Anderson totally cuts them off twice and it’s just Drew & callers. It gets better but by that point the show is almost over.
I don’t want this to come off the wrong way, I just wish someone told me beforehand, since it was the only show I had on my iPod at the time and I would’ve DL’ed another if I knew this.
Well, I haven’t yet listened to this show, but based on the preceding critique about the incessant farting, this is definitely my bag. Farting, particularly on or around those who do not find it funny, is in fact hilarious.
I was expecting better from a Kimmel episode. It’s just OK, but by the 16th fart the act is stale.
Wanted to like this but Adam and Jimmy are just annoying. I get how much fun it is to get drunk with your best buddy but don’t try to make it a radio show
Gas Night with Adam a Jimmy broadcasting separately in New York.
Show sucks for like the first 20 min but Adam and Jimmy calm down after that
Keep an ear out for many “Adamisms” this show: Salvo, woods light, etc
Adam answers one callers second request for his proposal to Lynette. They had been broken up for a year up until that point. Adam and Lynette sadly got divorced a few years ago. You can kinda see why after hearing his proposal.
Always interesting to hear Jimmy back when he was a “bro” before he became the complete hack sell out he is now.
The whole explanation 01:06:02 by Adam is very interesting. Not really surprised at how the marriage ended up.