Tuesday, May 28th, 2002
Guest: David Arquette
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
Listen to theShow
Show Summary:
From the movie Eight Legged Freaks
Young male caller says he doesn't masturbate because his dad "wasn't around to show him how"; comedy ensues.
Recording Info:
Added: 8/2/2017
Recorded By: ?
Transferred By: ?
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
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Young male caller says he doesn’t masturbate because his dad “wasn’t around to show him how”; comedy ensues.
Rare moment at 53:00 where Adam is wrong about construction knowledge. He calls a GFI a “ground force interrupter”. A while later a caller corrects him. True to form, Adam can’t let it slide and starts quizzing the guy on his electrical code knowledge.
Female hesher near the end dating an older guy who dumps her for another 17yo. In denial about soo much
Awesome guest! David and Adam imitating the white trash mother at 0:09:15 is freaking hilarious!!!
ever wonder why they never edited out all the “call the dateline” commercials?
@000 I do too. I don’t think the Dateline was actually affiliated with the show.
All advertisements within the show body, before the Bumper are part of the show. The Dateline ads are even on the board captured cassettes from the studio, to remove them would be artificially augmenting the shows to be different from how they originally aired.
I like when the guys make fun of Heshers.
The Young guy that says his father wasn’t around to teach him to masturbate was hilarious. Right before minute 30
On the message board, someone named jr1986 was looking for an episode where a caller says he doesn’t masturbate cause his dad never showed him how… this is the one he’s looking for… unfortunately I can’t log in cause I forgot my password and I can’t get a new one sent to me either… so maybe someone can post for me. 🙂
The escort driver around 1:02 has to be bogus… vague answers, sounds like he is lying. Interesting that the inker for Eight Legged Freaks comic called in at 00:54:28; there was indeed a Jasen credited on it.
I didn’t think the escort driver was bogus while listening, but now that you mention it, it has to be.
Caller was WAY too lucid and answered every one of Adam and Drew’s questions directly without stopping to repeat the question or saying “huh?”
That’s simply unheard of on Loveline