Tuesday, April 9th, 2002
Guest: Sarah Silverman
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Added: 8/2/2017
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I’m not much of a SS fan, but it’s interesting to hear from her as a starlet. There’s also a fair bit of talk of Jimmy in this ep. so knowing that she and Jimmy eventually hooked up makes this that much more interesting as well.
I’m pretty sure the topic of Jimmy never came up, I think previous commenter has this one confused w/ another appearance. Decent show….Adam brings up his “douche-nozzle” bit
Knowing Sarah’s comedy now, she seems very timid and almost scared in this episode. Interesting
at 1:02:00 it seems like this kid recites the future Dos Equis tag line…
I love Sarah’s joke at 0:43:20.
Not the biggest Silverman fan but she’s pretty good here.
Kind of weird energy in the studio. Adam’s comedy is a bit off, maybe subconsciously trying to impress Sarah?
Anderson continues his early 2002 run of killing it with the drops, creating one of Sarah’s “uh…yeahh?” response and employing it with expert timing. Adam also reveals on air that Anderson told him he thought Sarah was hot during a break.
Oh Adam… opening the show by saying women aren’t funny…. sad…
Anderson has been loving the “LISTEN LISTEN…LISTEN!” drop of Drew and makes it even better at 25:51
This might be the worst episode I’ve ever heard of LL. Adam is totally off in the beginning and has a really weird “try hard” energy around Sara.
It’s like he’s trying to prove to Sarah that he’s funny or something.