Thursday, April 4th, 2002
Guest: Kurtwood Smith
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
From the TV show That '70s Show
Adam's dad can't adjust the seat in his car.
Recording Info:
Added: 8/2/2017
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I was expecting a stick in the mud with Kurtwood but he turns out to be pretty good. Fairly early in the show he goes into pretty lengthy detail about how weekly “recorded before a live studio audience” sitcoms are produced. It was interesting to someone that had no clue.
I remember hearing this show live, specifically the description of Adam’s dad trying to adjust the car seat. Hilarious then, hilarious now.
Michelle at 14:00
28 yrs old, been with 31 yr old bf for 7 years, now has restraining order against him, and has 2 year old with him.
Drew: Why do you have a restraining order?
Caller: Umm, just because I do. Just for my well being.
Ace puts her on hold for a second for not answering the question.
Drew: So, why do you have a restraining order on him?
Caller: Umm, I’ve just been through the courts and stuff with him…(drew cuts in)
Drew: Michelle, Michelle, you’re gonna get hung up on, here. Adams finger is a millimeter over the hold button. Why do you have a restraining order on him?
Adam cuts in to tell drew to say “drop” button to be more intimidating (but in the background you can here michelle say, “because I don’t trust him” lol, the guys don’t here that though)
Drew: So, what did he do that caused you to need a restraining order, in one sentence, what did he do?
Caller:….He doesn’t deserve me.
Dropped by ace, along with a maniacal laugh.
Of course they go back to her and find out that she got the restraining order because
1. “I’m scared of him”
2.”I’ve been on medication for a year and a half off and on, and I’ve self medicated myself for 15 years, and I’m on depakote now and I’m scared because there are a lot of side effects”
3.”He’s crazy”
4.”He’s done a lot of stuff to my…(drew cut in)
5.”He’s abused me” THAT’S A BINGO
And now to her question:
“I just want to know how I can go around the system to get my kid back?”
drew, kurtwood, and adam laugh
Pretty cool good show, some interesting calls and a rare occurance on Loveline where some 8th graders come in after winning an essay contest in one of their classes.
Never thought a public middle school would allow kids to talk about/listen to Loveline.
Who’ve guessed that this would’ve turned out to be a sleeper episode
Great show! It has a little bit of everything. “Restraining Odor”
54:54 Dave the incel-ish baker… Adam: “women today are attracted to butchers and candlestick makers but not so much bakers anymore”