Wednesday, April 3rd, 2002

Guest: Alec Baldwin & Jaime Bergman

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

4.13 (43 votes)

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Comments (18)

  1. dee81sd

    01:14:30 Adam tells a great story about wetting his girlfriends bed. Jaime Bergman is kind of boring-doesn’t say much, but Alec is a AWESOME guest and makes the 2nd half of the show one of the best.

  2. ct

    Nice episode, Baldwin is funny and a fan of Adam. I bet the reason for the double booking is that Jaime was already booked and this was the only time Baldwin was available so they tacked him on. Just a guess. 5/5

  3. Higgs

    Excellent episode. I always think Baldwin’s a little nuts when he goes off on a political rant, but he’s a good dude. It’s a great story how he first heard about the show. He heard his chauffer listening once and asked who it was as he laughed his ass off. He then used to have the chauffer record the shows so he could hear them while he was being driven in the limo. He still calls the podcast once in a while. Great guest, great show.

  4. Higgs

    Love Adam, but when he jokes to Bergman that she lost the vanishing twin cuz she “didn’t love it enough”, that was a swing and a miss. Just a terrible joke that fell flat.

  5. columntwenty

    Baldwin referencing that hilarious “JImmy’s jizz in the motel shower” story Adam told a couple weeks back proved he’s a legit.

    I felt Adam kinda gave Jamie the shaft, he usually at least somewhat pretends to kiss the guests ass a little bit, this one he was clearly looking to rush off and get Alec in.

  6. larkoski10

    A good family friend and I were trying to close a real estate deal and our tactic was for me to pretend to be a relative of his. My real name is Josh, but I concocted the handle…Guy Thompson…in honor of Adam wanting to be Guy Baldwin. Unfortunately, we did not close the deal but I kept the handle anyway.

  7. jazzin

    00:37:30 “If guys got pregnant, by now – what’s it been, Millions of years, Drew(?) – we’d have it down to about six months; we would have shaved this nine-month thing way down. We would have gotten over it and moved on.” Adam Carolla (2002)

  8. Lucifer

    Adam’s kind of a pig to Jaime Bergman honestly. Lots of weird comments about her and women in general. He always has a couple comments about female guests which are usually fine but he’s abnormally over-the-top on this one. Especially about not living the twin enough, bad joke.

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