Tuesday, April 2nd, 2002
Guest: Tristan Taormino
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
Promoting her book Pucker Up: A Hands-On Guide to Ecstatic Sex
Recording Info:
Added: 8/2/2017
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She’s very “together”. Light, happy show.
Drew tells a story he heard from another doctor on how a patient was able to get a gerbil in his ass. It’s pretty funny as it involves a cardboard tube, some tissue paper, a tea kettle, and of course the gerbil.
During that gerbil anecdote, Anderson plays a rare Adam drop: “The gerbil that lives in my ass is behaving strangely.” I’ve only ever heard that drop one other time, and I don’t know its origin (I consider myself something of a drops historian). A good example of Anderson’s occasional genius; he must have had hundreds of drops if he had some that he virtually never used. He was all over the map in terms of consistency, but when he was good, he was great.
tristan goes into scenarios of her attraction both with drew and adam. 1- drew is the naughty school boy. 1- adam is tied up. he declares at one point that when hes tied up he would still be able to beat off with his foot. LMAO! 2- adam is in the locker room shower and gives it to her there. around 59:00
at 1:11:00 adam gives his fantasy. he loosens up with booze and fires up the jacuzzi. he heads to the bathroom and fires himself up (insert goofy music here). he bangs her for 3 min and then tells her to go make a sandwich while he watches tv. she gets the leftover sandwich. lmao. great stuff.
oh god Adam’s fantasy is hilarious
This lady (guest) is annoying at first but actually turns out to be pretty smart and sensible. I had to skip the part where Dr. Drew explained what he’s heard Paramedics say about the method in which people put Gerbils up their rectums. Yep.
there was an episode where gerbil up the ass was fist discussed. (remember, they were talking with a guest perhaps male; in where they discuss a rumor about some famous guy putting a gerbil up his ass)
That should be the ep with the source drop.
for being the ‘expert’ she has a good sense of humor, and plays ball and laughs at all the jokes. this could have easily gone the other way when these expets have not any sense of humor
oop! Little Freudian slip there by SirJag2!
I hope you’re into ass play
0:58:19 – Adam drop: The gerbil I put in my ass is acting strangely”
Another rare drop is played at 0:26:19: “There are lesbians there”
Drew is SUPER uncomfortable with this subject and you can tell right off the bat. Since it doesn’t fall into his little box of acceptable behavior he totally shuts down the guest
So true Broham!
The guest was really good natured. When she said she didn’t make as much as Adam and Drew and Adam said bluntly, “You shouldn’t. You make ass videos for Christ’s sake” I spit out my coffee. So goddamn funny…
The guests mentioned masturbating at the age of four at a babysitter’s house and Drew says nothing. I figure he thought the guest was nuts already and didn’t find it worth the time to explore.