Wednesday, January 30th, 2002 - #1654

Guest: Ken Baker

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.65 (22 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #1654 (feat. Ken Baker)
01/30/2002 – Wednesday Night Show
Source – Lost Tape (2020) with a Stream Recording (2009) Patch
This episode is 100% complete with a huge audio quality upgrade. Ken Baker is making his only appearance on Classic LoveLine, he discusses his book 'Man Made.'


Recording Info:

Added: 4/26/2024

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 172.05 MB

Length: 1:33:58

Bitrate: 256kb/s CBR

Comments (19)

  1. coolidgeeffect

    Ken Baker came on to talk about his life with a prolactin excreting tumor and life without testosterone. Then Eric called at 22:41. The man who eventually become “HIgh Pitch Eric” on the Howard Stern Show Called in on this episode. He claimed to be age 15, and Adam just couldn’t take it and went to break. Eric had to have lied about his age.

  2. coolidgeeffect

    After returning from the break, Adam goes on extensively about hockey and helmets. Eric is admitted back on at 31:08. Eric tries to discuss sizers and dreams. He plays around with a sound board to make his voice deep, but Adam sees this as bunk and moves on. Cindy is the follow on caller.

  3. pastahero

    There’s a Ken Baker who’s on E! News. Toward the end of the show this Ken Baker mentions he worked as a celebrity reporter for People magazine, so maybe it’s the same guy.

  4. guitardude324

    This condition with the voice does exist. One of my best friends has the same issue. His voice is really high like that, but he also has the ability to make it really deep. the high pitch voice is his natural voice. He’s had it hose while life.

  5. CZRob

    Ken Baker is very well-spoken and has an interesting life story.

    The highlight of the show is Adam’s rant on nobody being able to properly follow him whilst driving.

  6. howdareyou3

    It seems like Ken used a pituitary gland tumor to brag about how he was going to love his virginity in Canada at 17, got a hockey scholarship to Colgate, ran a marathon, and he was in the Olympic development program. Oh, and he probably could have gotten with Drew Barrymore.

  7. Giovanni

    File replaced, all of 2002 will be replaced and everything after too, if this happens again just throw up the GIO signal and I’ll emergency file swap, don’t waste your time trying to fix the old crappy files.

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