Thursday, January 24th, 2002 - #1650
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
Drew is back from Las Vegas and has already had an ass full of the callers just in the three minutes before the show starts.
Adam goes on a long rant about Southwest flights. He talks about the guy behind him in a very long line at the ticket counter. The guy had to disagree with everything Adam said. One of these things is that opening a second line would make things along faster. The guy said it wouldn't make the actual line any faster though. Adam responded to him with "No "S" retadro."
Susan pages Drew, reminding him to ask Adam to dinner.
Drew talks about when he had just started Loveline in the early 80's and how AIDS was called GRIDS back then.
Adam has a new weight loss idea that involves removing unnecessary parts such as the gull bladder and tonsils.
An odd caller has a stepdad trading his weed joints for the kid's ritalin pills. He refers to Boise State as a "four year community (junior) college."
Adam talks about the guy he sat next to on a plane and how he drove him nuts.
Anderson describes the break as Drew talking to Adam and Adam reading a magazine and not paying attention. They
talk about walking to the bathroom during the break and finding it to be all crapped up. Then Adam yells at people who close the door when they're finished and how it causes confusion for the next guy.
Drew does not know that Elvis died on the pot.
Drew sets a new record of waiting an entire hour before socking the mic.
A caller by the name Angel is not an angel and gets the hillbilly banjo music.
A caller talks about the show Lidsville being out on DVD. Anderson and Tera don't call me Tara have never heard of it. Adam has to yell at everyone in the Loveline studio for not knowing anything.
There is a discussion about Rocky Mountain oysters being sold everywhere in Wyoming.
Drew tries to sell a call going into a break and actually does a good job.
Adak remembers a TV show game where the contestant had to say the word "POW" as many times as possible in a certain amount of time. Anderson plays the "ehhhhhh POW!" drop.
A guy doesn't know what nationality is. Adam makes fun of him and calls him a retard. It's then revealed that the caller actually is retarded and almost reminds me of Deaf Frat Guy.
Recording Info:
Added: 8/2/2017
Recorded By: ?
Transferred By: ?
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Haha your synopsis are always funny. What a great episode.
The guy whos wife died hmmmm makes you think about the important parts of life
The last call of the night is Armando, a guy with a speech impediment. Some think he’s the same caller from the 11/6/2001 show named “Omar.” I disagree but they’re both entertaining calls none-the-less. The Omar call begins around 1 hour and 4 minutes into the show if you want to compare and contrast.
A chick named Angel calls up and she’s thinking about getting back together with her abusive boyfriend. He’s an English guy.
Adam: “Is he an English guy?”
Angel: “Yes he is.”
Adam: “How abusive can those pussies actually be?”
Drew: “He’s one of those big working class guys. Going to soccer games and stuff.”
Adam: “You know what the English are like? They’re like the Jews. Super wussy nebbish bookworm super-Heeb, or I’ll kill you with piano wire Israeli commando.”
Drew: “And the British?”
Adam: “Super crumpet eating mustache waxing pinkie hanging wrist dangling homo, or crazy cockney toothless coal mining ass kicking rugby player. Nothing in between. Nothing!!”
Dr. Drew’s take on Rocky Mountain Oysters in Colorado is way off. They are not served “everywhere food is fried” here, and where they are served, it is a novelty menu item and more of a joke on the tourist. They are not a delicacy in Colorado, trust me, gross.
that last call went in a bizarre direction
I kept waiting for the last caller, Armando, to throw in a Mason Jar line and reveal he wasn’t actually retarded and had fooled the guys the whole time. Sadly, there was no punch line.
Entertaining episode, no real fireworks but decent calls and discussion. Especially given recent events, more terrible predictions on Afghanistan by Adam.