Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002 - #1648
Guest: Unwritten Law
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Unwritten Law are very high, and can’t contain themselves right from the start. Very entertaining episode if you aren’t annoyed by constant giggling at sex talk. A bunch of callers with weird names starting around the one hour mark.
very enjoyable epi
Gosh ive been looking for that song Unwritten law-seein red
A couple of memorable calls: Tony, who can afford to spend big money on hookers because he makes $10/hour, and “Nada,” a classic nutty-older-broad caller who contributes the “Excuse me, excuse YOU!” drop.
the guest were annoying.
The guys from Unwritten Law are the most annoying guests that I’ve come across to date.
Not the most annoying for me, but bad none the less.
Awful guests. After about 45 minutes of them giggling, making unintelligent, incredibly un-funny comments, and otherwise completely throwing off the cadence of the entire show, I just skipped ahead to the next episode. Adam is so checked out and seems incredibly annoyed with the band.
Guests are giddy little school girls, baked outta their minds. There are some seriously crazy callers in this one.
First caller: “Hi, I have a question about genital warts.” Guests – “BAHAHAHAHAHA”
Adam does a great shtick about the guy making $10/hour working for his old man spending a grand a week at the strip club. “Drew, you ever seen the place when a $10/hour man walks in? I mean, you’ve seen what happens when a 6 or 7 dollar an hour man walks in. The ladies go nuts. He’s like a celebrity.”
I remember downloading Seein’ Red on Kazaa in like ’01-’02. Good memories.
This is way late in the game to comment, but I feel like my understanding of the “cyclical universe” comes from Adam and Drew.
Later in his forties, Adam learns to place his keys in the same place (to easily find them the next day), mark the locks with red for “locked” and to “punish the Gardner ” for leaving the gate open to the pool.
Adam discovered the great magnet, and preached of its properties early in his Loveline career.
Could we please pass this along?
Coolidge. Your comment makes no sense. Please clarify.
Not sure if Coolidge still posts here, they’re referencing “The Great Magnet” a recurring stand in for god/the universe/random events segregating non randomly on LoveLine. Then the user is referencing Adam evolving his behaviors, such as putting his keys in the same place, marking his sliding glass door lock with red nail polish to indicate if it’s locked or unlocked and for firing his gardener after he left the gate open too many times, endangering Adam’s young children at the time. The user is saying that they learned of the cyclical nature of human existence from LoveLine, from Adam and Drew talking about these things and in particular this “Great Magnet” concept.
Maybe they weren’t too far off the mark “Missing Link Of Neutron Stars? Bizarre Hibernating Stellar Magnet Discovered” – https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/09/080924151009.htm
I have two things to say to critics of the stoned, laughing band 1) how dare you and 2) HOW DARE YOU. If you think stoned guys laughing maniacally during a comedy show is a bad thing, that’s your fault. I particularly like their response to bogus caller Nomar at 01:02:49. Drew notes band member Wade is laughing so hard “he’s trying to wiggle out of his body”. Good show.