Tuesday, December 18th, 2001 - #1623

Guest: Remy Zero

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.83 (20 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #1623 (feat. Remy Zero) - Cinjun Tate, Gregory Slay & Cedric LeMoyne
12/18/2001 – Tuesday Night Show
Source – Lost Tape (2020) with Stream Recording (2001) Patches
This episode is 100% complete with a huge audio quality upgrade. Remy Zero are returning to the show for their 2nd known appearance of the Adam era, previously appearing on CLL #859 from January of 1999. Many fans have made note of what they presume to be band member Gregory's breathing into the microphone throughout the episode, in the previous 64k mp3 the audio created a sort of sharp whistling effect, that is no longer present due to the audio upgrade. If that bothered you before, now you can hear the episode without it being such a distraction/annoyance. Drummer Gregory Slay died on 1 January 2010, aged 40, of complications from cystic fibrosis. R.I.P. Gregory.


Recording Info:

Added: 11/25/2020

Recorded By: Anderson

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (8)

  1. wataki2

    “I want the world to keep their foreskins and just Shut Up”…… Sooo funny Drew
    And the very last call was enjoyable how the guys shred his logic.
    Overall an O.K show.

  2. knucklhd

    This show is hard to get through, only because you can hear one of the guys breathing the entire show–or trying to. It was so over the top I looked these guys up and one them died of, basically, cystic fibrosis. Poor bastard, it’s legitimately disturbing, or at least disconcerting, to hear him struggle to draw a breath.

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Calls & Tags (5)

  • call



    Sharon, F, 16, Diamond Bar

    Fan of Remy Zero. Vaginal discharge question, she has to wear panty liners. Gregory Slay's cell phone goes off, Anderson disapproves


  • call



    Joel, M, 25

    Gf likes to toss his salad, it's a turn-off. "How do you tell a girl, hey yo I want you to stop lickin' my ass!" Drew recommends farting.

    other sexual activities


  • call



    Dale, M, 28

    References Drew's foreskin comments from #1622. Drew: "Just shut the f up about the foreskin!"


  • call



    Kelly, F, 16, Anaheim

    Compulsive eating, penis size questions. "No" drop, Drew calls her "the Virgin from Anaheim"

    Addiction penis size (too big/too small)


  • tag



    "Nooo!" drop (tag time is for updated patched audio file). Drew imitates her immediately, Anderson first uses the drop at 00:44:18



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