Tuesday, December 11th, 2001 - #1618
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Recording Info:
Added: 8/2/2017
Recorded By: ?
Transferred By: ?
Size: 10.59 MB
Length: 1:32:29
Bitrate: 16kb/s CBR
Adam goes off on Earl Scheib body shops. Lightning round.
Meh – on the lightning round.
The lightning round starts out slow, but the 2nd half is pretty funny with Adam ‘s gibberish conversation with Drew and the callers.
“Any paint job! And paint job–$19.95!”
“Randy, you’re 19….95?” Hahaha.
There’s some loud annoying buzzing noise around 41:00, might want to edit that out and reupload.
Preliminary Jack That Dork.
A girl calls asking about the pros and cons of IUDs, a form of birth control for women.
Drew says they have the theoretical potential to impair implantation of a fertilized egg, therefor causing an abortion, while the morning after pill doesn’t function that way. Despite that fact, the religious right jumps all over the morning after pill but pays no attention to IUDs, and he can’t understand why.
Adam: “Well look, these nut jobs think the Earth is 2,000 years old, and that Moses parted the Red Sea and he spoke to a burning yucca plant atop Mt. Sinai, and that Noah collected all the animals two by two and put them in a giant ark. So how scientific do you suppose these folks are? How big a role do you think science plays in their lives?”
hate lightning rounds so dumb ruin a good show, ruins listening to recording while sleeping
Shalywell, since literally every single comment you make is about how you sleep to Loveline and the lightning round or bad audio ruins it for you, here’s a suggestion.
Before hitting play on an episode, scroll through the comments, because more often that not there is a comment about whether there’s a lightning round or if the recording has bad audio. If you see a comment indicating any of those things, skip the episode.
This is turning into a real Charlie Brown situation. Lucy holds the football and Charlie runs right up to kick it but EVERY SINGLE TIME, she pulls it away at the last second and he busts ass. Yet he still runs right up to that goddamn football every time she holds it.
On all of the episodes you’ve complained about there is a comment below yours that has already indicated a lightning round or bad audio. Stop being Charlie Brown.
Just another helpful tip from you good pal common sense.
I love the lightning round. That is all.