Wednesday, December 5th, 2001 - #1614
Guest: Bad Religion
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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The members of Bad Religion make great guests. They seem smart and insightful. I really like the beginning of the show when Adam talks about how he used to listen to Loveline and used to hear Bad Religion on the show.
There are a couple of good calls. Andrew calls in, claiming he has a third leg and wants to know if he can pass this condition onto his children. Adam, Drew, and the band go back and forth on if this is a bogus call or not. At one point, Andrew measures the leg for them.
Jessica says that she has to watch the Man Show while having sex in order to have an orgasm. She isn’t all there and at first she says “orgy” instead of “orgasm.
Unbelievable it took them so long to sniff out the bogus third leg caller.
Adam: “You smoking a lot of weed?”
Caller: “Not yet. I’m waiting til the end of 8th grade.”
Third leg caller had em goin for a while, blown by ” how many toes does it have.”
“Can we get the Schmoe to adjust the mic in here” Forever shit on by Anderson after that. Guaranteed.