Tuesday, December 4th, 2001 - #1613
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show contains a high amount of over 30 callers. Adam does a great job of teasing a 16 year old who doesn’t know if he’s lost his virginity, call is around 1:07:00 into the show.
Adam on strippers and their party-line of “I’m only dancing to put myself through school.”:
Adam: “I want to say this to all strippers. I don’t care if you say you’re an axe murderer one step ahead of the law. I’m just as excited about the lap dance as you saying that you’re in your third year of grad school.”
Decent episode. Second caller is a terrible mother and Dr. Drew calls her out. Lots of adult callers.
Adam’s whispery voice at the end of this one is hilarious. *Rub-a-dub-dub*
Adams right, the more you make a crazy person talk the more obvious it becomes that they’re crazy.