Wednesday, November 28th, 2001 - #1609
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Added: 8/2/2017
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Average episode. Adam broadcasts from Las Vegas. There are a couple of good callers. Martin spent $150 on a prostitute. Adam is outraged when he finds out that Martin didn’t have sex or get oral sex from her. When Martin mentions that he fingered the prostitute, Adam gives the memorable line, “the only time you should finger a prostitute is in a police lineup.”
Don calls with a question about his testicle. When Adam says something funny, Don’s laugh makes Drew and Adam bust up. Drew comments that it sounds like a baby seal.
Audio on this file isn’t that great. It keeps cutting out.
Ho-hum episode, Lots of audio cutouts which ruin some calls.
Nothing to do with this episode…
The Adam and Dr. Drew show? Is this brand new? Should I be bugging out or does this not really mean what I think it may mean?
@knucklhd the Adam and Dr Drew show is relatively new and it is a podcast. it is very similar to loveline but in my opinion it’s not as funny. it’s good but it just isn’t the nitty, gritty Loveline that we all have come to love. it’s still good though and definitely worth a listen if you’re a long time Adam and Dr Drew fan. they’re only about an hour long but there’s. few episodes out already and you can find them on iTunes or Stitcher or other services like that which offer podcasts and they are free.
Ok, thanks soopa…was wondering how Crazy Larry or whoever that retard is was going to digest Drew getting the band back together on the side. I guess they just shoot the breeze in genereral, take a call or two?
oops…and the link is working for me today, I couldve not bugged ya!
@knucklhd ya exactly. they shoot the shit and take a few alls.
A guy named Don calls in to ask why his testicle pops up into his body when he……ah who cares, he has the craziest laugh and it cracks Adam and Drew up.
Adam asks how much Drew would pay to sit Don down, have him smoke weed and watch Airplane.
As somebody else mentioned, the audio cuts out a bunch of times during the show and it’s pretty distracting.
One of my favorite Adam analogies is in this episode. He compares going down on a hooker to renting a car and taking it to the car wash. There’s nothing in it for you.
The suicide call at the end is _probably_ bogus. Drew and Adam have suspicions but they have to take the call as if it’s real. The caller, Brian, is a prolific bogus caller from 2001-2002. That would be enough to call it bogus, except Brian is an exemplary bogus caller who always plays by the Geneva Convention; he wouldn’t “play dirty” by calling about suicide. Tough call.
wow this audio is FUCKED up
Terrible audio
Adam: “…so… do gay guys have bigger dooks?…”
Not a bad show but audio keeps cutting in and out.
caller Dan from around 38 min in is nuttier than squirrel turds. Believes his therapist advised him to abuse his wife “physically, emotionally, sexually”
UNLISTENABLE. audio keeps stopping. i listen to loveline to fall asleep and this one gave me awful dreams because of the audio problem
Audio in and out hard to make it through.
1:15:30: Brian’s friend committed suicide by slitting wrists in bathtub. May be bogus as per pastahero.