Tuesday, November 27th, 2001 - #1608

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.72 (25 votes)

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Added: 8/2/2017

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Comments (8)

  1. zoohunter

    about 20 minutes in a caller has issues, her second question is whether it is ok that her dog licks her vagina… good zoophile call, but the best part is when Adam asks what breed of dog it is… answer = lab, adam makes a joke about the black lab’s not “doing that” and you can hear drew(? I’m assuming) pounding on the console…

  2. Landlubber

    Adam defends a girl who gets oral from her Yellow Lab. Unlike his mocking approval of the classic “James the Zoosexual” call, he actually tries to make the case for why getting oral from a dog is not that weird. I’m usually on board with Adam but he’s on his own on this one.

  3. Schwilly19

    Adam starts off the show by clowning Drew for calling a piece of lumber a 3×4. Adam is either wrong about 3x lumber and 12d nails, hard to believe, or he is cleverly playing on a disconcerting attitude framers have toward unconventional framing.

  4. Landlubber

    Adam complains about his recent trip to the airport. Due to increased security after 9/11, you now need a metric shit-ton of proof that you’re actually flying that day.

    Adam: “Because not one of those 19 hijackers had a ticket. Not a one. They all flew without tickets. Or wait…did EVERY one of them have tickets? Yeah. So now the white guy that they recognize from cable is going back to the ticket counter to get an itinerary.”

    He ends up missing his flight because he has to wait in a massive line even though all he needs is a floppy piece of paper proving that he purchased an E-ticket, while a disabled couple from Oregon checking a trunk full of their son’s remains and a bunch of people flying to Alaska in two hours got priority. He misses the flight, so he goes out to valet lot where his car is and they charge him the full $20 (cost to park there for one day) even though his car was only there for roughly 50 minutes.

  5. pastahero

    The first caller, Craig, is a carnie who ducks behind buildings to “beat off” when he sees an attractive blonde. It’s a real “theatre of the mind” call.

    The next caller, Shauna, claims her dog “licks her down there.” She’s actually the “Nnnnnnno!” girl from the Remy Zero show (I know voices) so it’s very likely a bogus call.

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