Thursday, November 15th, 2001 - #1600
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
CLL #1600 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts)
11/15/2001 – Thursday Night Show
Source – Stream Recording (2001)
This episode is 100% complete, with a medium audio upgrade. Adam couldn't find a shirt and left the house in just a jacket which he broadcasts in the entire show. Terra don't call me Tara goddammit and a Lighting Round as well.
Lightning round
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Adam is so goddamn lazy he’s not even wearing a shirt under his jacket. He was downstairs at his house, looked around, realized he didn’t have a shirt anywhere, and decided he couldn’t possibly go upstairs and grab one. So he left the house to come to the show just wearing a jacket.
Jacknifed bobcat collided with a unicycle. Slow and go.
Great lightning round.
Not a particularly special episode, but the lightning round is a classic.
Anderson’s drop when Adam mentions Tara is hilarious.
i fucking HATE lightning. who can call it great? i listen to loveline when i got sleep. last fucking thing i need is to be woken up by that nonsense!
what was anderson’s drop for tara?
It was the “whoooooo cares?” drop.