Wednesday, November 14th, 2001 - #1599
Guest: Tori Amos
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
CLL #1599 (feat. Tori Amos)
11/14/2001 – Wednesday Night Show
Source – Stream Recording (2001)
This episode is 99.9% complete. Just missing a couple of comments from Adam up top before he gives out the phone number. Tori is making her 2nd of 3 known appearances on CLL during the Adam era. She was previously on CLL #195 from 1996 and returns once more in 2003. Adam has a killer rant about criminals having kids from prison and Tori leaves what would become a classic drop before departing. Solid Episode!
Promoting her album Strange Little Girls
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
I love the rant towards the end of the show about criminals having kids from prison.
I wonder how Tori used the F-bomb! Something “motherfucker.” Tori is one of the most amazing women ever, so of COURSE, she is one of the most amazing Loveline guests ever. I just LOVE the respect Adam immediately affords her each time she’s on the show. He and Drew just love her. Notice how every caller is simply stumbling over themselves trying to address her. Adam always references her soul- he really recognizes that in her. It is just so sweet to hear Adam being so heartfelt and genuinely taken with someone, especially a powerful woman. Drew thinks she’s the bee’s knees, too. Yes, good rant, but notice that Adam doesn’t rant in Tori’s presence. Why might that be? I tend to think that he’s just more respectful around her and more receptive to discourse versus shouting when she’s in the studio. Great show overall. Loveline plus Tori equals orgasm!
Great rant about how we allow criminals to get married and have children from prison. Adam’s made this rant many times before and after, but this one would serve as the best in it’s entirety.
I hope someone shoots me before I idolize someone as much as L…
Tori is 7 kinds of nuts, to quote Adam from the night before, but she is a good, provocative guest. I’d pay money to hear the sound bite of her dropping the f-bomb on Adam. Even Drew was moved by the outburst.
Tori is amazingly deep. How many artists does one see treating their fans like they are themselves better than she. I’ve been both one of those crazed kids that loved her as a Goddess and a “normal adult” ; and one thing is for sure, she stands out as one of the most iconic and unique figures of the 90’s music scene. Love her LL appearances, she inspires Adam to treat her with respect like he’s done no other.
I love when Adam or Drew sing along with the bumper music.
Tori always sounds like she’s on downers or something
A lot of deeply impacted Tori fans. I imagine Tori having wildflowers in her hair and closing her eyes when she talks
“If your wife gave you a stethoscope from C. Everett Koop, you’d be on cloud 9”
Adam promoted Tori’s appearance on the show over the last week or so by saying she is seven kinds of nuts, and boy does she deliver on that. Fast forward to around 8 minutes in to hear her describe the motivation behind her new album full of covers. Wowzers folks. Don’t get me wrong, it sounds like she’s a good person but man oh man. Adam always rants about blowhards and Tori Amos is a grade A blowhard…but a good natured one so she gets a pass.
For further data on this, google her version of Eminem’s “97 Bonnie and Clyde” from the album she’s there to promote. She’s an odd duck.
God damn this is a vaginal show. It’s fucking brutal. When Adam said that getting a drawing from a little kid is magical I felt like vomiting for a moment.
It’s amusing listening to Adam try to restrain himself from critiquing tori’s BATSHIT beliefs, but the fun immediately stops when her fans frequently call in and slather an embarrassing and difficult-to-listen-to amount of fawning, breathless praise on her. I had to skip this ep midway through after yet another fan sounds like he’s fighting back tears of joy
I always lose it when someone says something good about Adam’s looks and DAG’s vomit drop is played spontaneously… especially when it’s very brief or quiet like in this show when Tori’s about to hit the road.
I always picture Tori talking like the characters in the “Smug Alert” episode of South Park.
0:45:16 Origin of the Tori Amos drop “These are those gold dust moments”