Tuesday, November 6th, 2001 - #1593

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

4.14 (46 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #1593 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts)
11/06/2001 – Tuesday Night Show
Source – Bryan M. KNRK CD Recording (2020)
This episode is 100% complete, with a medium audio upgrade. This episode features the infamous call from "Omar" a caller long debated to be bogus or possibly a serial bogus caller who also once called in as "Armando" once again listen and decide for yourself. Adam talks about Brandon Lee's death and discusses his start on LoveLine. Overall a sleeper classic episode that's now far more listenable.

Recording Info:

Added: 10/8/2020

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (21)

  1. mont3818

    1:04:39 Classic LL call: Omar with a bad studder, funny accent, and a lot of sexual frustration. I remember hearing about this call YEARS ago! Wow, can’t believe I finally found it and no one has commented on it. The famous “suck-a-dick-us” call. “It’s right on the border of You-bang-us-your-anus.” Adam got a real kick out of poor Omar. But was this guy real or a good bogus caller? Adam and Anderson thought it was bogus but Drew was intrigued.
    I agree too, it’s a pretty damn solid show. The call after that was from a chick that embalmed corpses in a morgue for a living and wanted to enlarge her breast w/o getting implants. Goes into the embalming process with Adam which started to gross me out after a while.

  2. pastahero

    Omar is bogus. Listen to 2002-01-24; I think he’s making another (bogus) call as “Armando” (last call of the show). Same character (Mexican accent + a disability/speech impediment) and both use the term “masturbating to all the females”–not “women” but “females”–said in the same way.

  3. pastahero

    Drew’s radar must have been broken. Adam (actually Anderson first) called bogus long before Zacatecas/”Suck-a-dick-us” came up. That wasn’t even the centerpiece of the call; it only came up after Adam grilled him about where exactly he came from.

  4. Landlubber

    Pastahero, I know “Omar” and “Armando” are similar calls (Mexicans with speech impediments) but I think you might be reaching to put them together.

    For example, you’ve convinced yourself that Omar says “masturbating to all the females” and use that as the key piece of evidence that they’re the same caller. Listen to the Omar call again. He never says “masturbating to all the females” or anything remotely close to it.

  5. pastahero

    Landlubber, I concede the point about “females.” I must have heard Armando’s call and then imagined that I’d heard Omar say that. Throw my case out the window, try to forget I ever brought it up 🙁

    However, Drew’s logic (Zacatecas exists, therefore Omar is real) is still faulty. Zacatecas came up only b/c Adam kept asking about his accent and ethnicity; it wasn’t going to be the punchline of a bogus call.

  6. Landlubber

    No biggie. I agree Drew’s logic is flawed. I listened to the calls back-to-back and my opinion is that they’re two different idiots. But I’m open to the possibility it’s the same guy.

    There are prank callers who change it up enough that they sound different but you can tell they’re the same because of their lingo and stuff, so you never know.

  7. BMacC

    @panaqua They don’t “know WAY too much”, it’s just a bizarre, sad, interesting story… when does an actor ever die on a set from a mistake w/ the prop gun?

  8. OscarMilde

    I literally knew Omar was bogus before he spoke a single word. He sounds vietnamese for one thing. What kind of Mexican accent is that? And when they started to bust him, you can tell he was panicking. Drew is such a tool sometimes.

  9. rlfstr

    Call from a telemarketer who sells Christian music over the phone. That must SUCK. She’s the sexiest sounding caller I’ve ever heard on the show though, so I’d happily buy some of those CDs from her.

  10. pastahero

    The Brandon Lee discussion features Adam at his worst. He says Brandon Lee was shot by a live round, a real bullet, and he’s so fucking wrong but he won’t budge. Even when he’s proved wrong he still tries to claim he’s right.

  11. hazardjackson

    Great episode,
    “What do you do with that boner (formaldehyde boner) you have to get rid of it?”
    “You look at a lot of naked dead guys?… With the penis?”
    Adam is obsessed with the embalming and it’s cracking me up.
    Drew is researching the validity of the boob sucker enlarger the whole call.

    The whole Omar call is gold too. Great episode 5/5

  12. dylanrush

    At 9:36 Nina calls about having two different sized boobs. Normally when they get a big boob call, Anderson drops Stewie saying “Bouncy bouncy!” When Nina explained her problem Anderson plays a single “Bouncy!” Not sure if Adam or Drew noticed but I was cracking up.

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