Wednesday, October 17th, 2001 - #1579

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

4.60 (166 votes)

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Show Summary:

Adam's theme song, weird caller night.

Extremely dumb callers, even for Loveline; Lightning Round; "Calling all nerds"; "Bleed American" (Adam's theme); the masturbation techno song.

Kim complains about lack of privacy and how it's hard to have sex in front of her kids. When Adam asks if her family can watch the kids she says that her sister lives with her ex husband downstairs.

Next caller is a gay male and asks if it's ok to have sex with a women. Adam jokes about it hurting the penis' feelings.

Adam then goes on a rant about how stupid the callers are.

Jenn's husband doesn't like to have sex. Turns out they lost a child and their living child has cerebral policy. In the middle of the call they hear a train. When asked what the train was she is oblivious. "I didn't drive past a train, I just went past one." Causing Adam to rant again about the stupid callers. Then she brings up the idea of her husband cheating, and follows that up with "I never thought about that".

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: ?

Size: 42.17 MB

Length: 1:32:07

Bitrate: 64kb/s CBR

Comments (38)

  1. Kim complains about lack of privacy and how it’s hard to have sex in front of her kids. When Adam asks if her family can watch the kids she says that her sister lives with her ex husband downstairs.

    Next caller is a gay male and asks if it’s ok to have sex with a women. Adam jokes about it hurting the penis’ feelings.

    Adam then goes on a rant about how stupid the callers are.

    Jenn’s husband doesn’t like to have sex. Turns out they lost a child and their living child has cerebral policy. In the middle of the call they hear a train. When asked what the train was she is oblivious. “I didn’t drive past a train, I just went past one.” Causing Adam to rant again about the stupid callers. Then she brings up the idea of her husband cheating, and follows that up with “I never thought about that”.

  2. Justin

    Had to revisit this show, caller Christy at 27:00 min one of the funniest calls ever.
    “Okay, you wanna bang around behind my back, time to pay the fiddler! Julie start blowing him while I lick his nuts”
    “We forced him to eat three quarters of a pepperoni pizza and drink 4 Bud tall boys!”

  3. ct

    One of the greatest shows. Nearly every call is comically stupid and Adam gives perhaps his best rendition of the “slippery slope” rant. 5/5

  4. spinfly

    Adam and Drew come down on hard on callers who are get flustered and repeat questions. I’m sure it gets annoying for them, but they should consider that most callers are not comfortable speaking on live national radio and get a bit nervous.

    That banjo gets me every time…

  5. Wdf1987

    Interesting how Adam foreshadows leaving loveline when his contact expires in three years. Technically, it was four years but still. He mentions it when the electrocuted welder calls in..

  6. Landlubber

    Stupidest collection of humans every gathered in one place tonight. All the callers have trouble cobbling together coherent sentences and none of them can answer simple questions.

    Kim calls in and is either on drugs or just mentally handicapped. She has three kids and they all live in a 3-bedroom apartment. Her bedroom is the living room and she just puts a sheet up for privacy.

    Adam: “Hell of a plan having the three kids, being 32 and sleeping on a pull-out sofa in the living room.”

    The idiot rambles on about a lot of nothing until Adam cuts her off and says “alright Kim, ask your question. Ready? GO!”

    Finally she says her 14-year-old kid asked her to call to ask whether it would be damaging for him to walk in on her having sex. WTF?

    They ask her some questions and all she does is repeat the questions or asks if they’re talking about her when she’s the only person they could possibly be talking about given the context.

    Adam: “Is this what it’s like to have Tinnitus? It’s like they have a pair of headphones on and somebody in the back is just going “mugga mugga mugga mugga mugga mugga mugga” but every now and again they key on one word, ‘balsa wood?’ “mugga mugga mugga mugga mugga” ‘My daughters?’ “mugga mugga mugga mugga.”

    Adam goes on a rant about how radio shows tell their hosts to call their callers the smartest callers in radio, and that he’d love to do that if the Loveline callers were just a notch below average instead of full-blown retarded. He says it’s like talking to a pet that has no idea what you’re saying.

    Next, a woman calls in from her car and it sounds like a train is riding right next to her. Anderson plays a drop of a train whistle throughout the call.

    Caller: “We have twins and we lost one, and the survivor has severe cerebral palsy.”

    Adam: “What happened, the train that goes through the living room clipped him?”

    Caller: “Nooo.”

    Adam: “What is going on with that train?”

    Caller: “There’s no train.”

    Drew: “There’s a train, we can hear it in the background.”

    Caller: “Oh, I just passed one.”

    Adam: “You’re not making that connection, driving right next to the train?”

    Drew: “Oh boy.”

    Adam: “Is it hee-haw night? It’s the country bear jamboree going on”

    Caller: “I’m not white trash.”

    Adam: “Oh yesss you are. Are you driving?”

    Caller: “Yes, I’m coming home from work and just picked my kid up.”

    Adam: “Were you driving next to a train?”

    Caller: “I wasn’t driving next to a train! I passed one!”

    Adam: “Okay but just keep in mind if you pass a train and we bring up a train, that might be the train we’re talking about.”

    And as others have already pointed out, the “time to pay the fiddler” call is an all-time great.

  7. calmasaclam

    This show is funny throughout. The ‘mugga mugga mugga’/tinnitus bit during “Kim’s” call had me laughing out loud like a crazy person on the highway while concerned citizens frowned at me while passing…

  8. Wdf1987

    No offense, but since you’re re-doing the website, or whatever, can you add like a Transcripts section where folks like Landlubber and unclepenny can do their thing? It’s appreciated but a little much, yknow? Takes up all the comments

  9. Landlubber

    Wdf1987, I used to post short comments but they asked for people to contain posts to one comment box, not multiple posts. If I transcribe something, it’s not because I’m trying to have a written record of every show, it’s because I found that exact exchange funny and cribbing it down or paraphrasing kills what’s funny about it. If there’s a lot, it’s because I sat and listened to the show and found multiple things amusing.

    As for “taking up all the comments” I’m not sure what you mean by that. Do you mean it pushes them farther down the page because they’re long? You know comments don’t get bumped off the page right? The page just gets longer. Is your gripe that you have to scroll a couple more times with the mouse? Is that a legitimate thing to complain about when you really think about it? Or do you mean they bump other comments off of the Top 100? Confining my comments to one post instead of multiple ones insures fewer comments get bumped off that list. I guess I don’t understand the core concept of your complaint.

  10. bluestrife28

    I’ve listened to so many episodes of this show over the years and seen all of the tv shows, and this is up there in the top ten. The “ether-night” type of callers, the banter, and the Masturbation Rap coming out of nowhere like that. Absolutely LOVE this episode!!

  11. Landlubber

    Kevin, 24, just recently contracted herpes on his anus from unprotected analinguis with a guy. That’s bad news bears right there. He’s wondering about how he can tell future partners about it.

    I’m not sure how you parse “I have herpes on my anus because some guy licked my asshole.” Adam says he doesn’t have high enough self esteem to stand still while someone licks his asshole. Drew then chimes in “Oh analinguis, I didn’t know what he was talking about.” Adam: “What did you think analinguis was, a new mint?” And there’s the most times I’ve ever written analinguis in one paragraph. I could live for 100 years and I’ll never break that record….probably.

  12. BohemianLikeYou

    I had a girlfriend when I was 19 who took an Ambien and then BEGGED me to have sex with her. I felt really weird about it because she was drugged out of her mind so I didn’t know what to do. I just was not comfortable with it so I figured I’d make out with her for a few minutes until she passed out. Well, that’s not quite what happened. She stayed awake for a bit and I just manually stimulated her to orgasm and I thought maybe she wouldn’t remember it. She wanted more and really was coming on strong but I convinced her to go to sleep. I said she was nodding off. Of course she wasn’t but she was so f’ed up she just went with it and went to sleep. I thought I did the right thing and she’d be happy I didn’t let it go as far as she wanted it to. But the next morning she was pissed because I wouldn’t have sex with her while she was on the sleeping pills. Like super pissed. I told her how uneasy I was and she acted like she was okay with it after that but it was clear she really wasn’t. I never gave her another Ambien again despite her asking. I admit I get weird with drugs and in fact it’s essentially a phobia of drugs but I think it’s kind of understandable considering that’s technically rape in some places. And how was I going to know how she’d react if I did do it? Anyway, she got over it but I still think it was super weird that she got pissed at me for not wanting to bang her when she was on sleeping pills.

    Honestly one of the strangest women I’ve ever been with, as I later confirmed. That was my first clue but then there were many more. Another one was when she really wanted anal sex and kept asking for it again and again. I was young and kind of didn’t understand that when you do it right it doesn’t hurt most women and they actually enjoy it most of the time so she actually had to talk me into it, I swear to Christ. I was young and stupid and I’d never done that before so I didn’t really know. I guess I was a bit of a prude in that way. That’s not really crazy on paper but the way it happened it kind of was. Then came the time she yelled out “Daddy” during sex. Not in an “Oh yeah, Daddy” kind of way either. It was more like “I love you, Daddy.” Not those words exactly but that tone. Yes, I’m serious. Being a 19-year-old kid I was an idiot though and stayed with her much longer than I should have. Oh well, lesson learned. Well… Not until a couple more crazy broads but hey, I was young. What do you want from me?

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Calls & Tags (13)

  • call



    Kate, F, 19

    Unimpressed with sex, Now uses Ambien, which makes it better. She's very spacy throughout the call

    addiction depression other drugs sex drive/libido


  • call



    Kim, F

    Worried about son seeing her having sex. Always confused by questions. "Jerry Springer" life.

    cheating/adultery/infidelity other sexual activities parenting/issues with children separation/divorce


  • call



    Adam, M, 19

    Is it alright for a gay guy to have sex with a woman? He's just a out of it as the other callers.

    bisexuality homosexuality


  • call



    Jen, F, 26

    Question: Husband doesn't like to have sex very often. (10 times in 3-1/2 Years) had twins, one passed away.

    death in the family sex drive/libido


  • call



    Christy, F, 26, Hicksville

    Caller is concerned that her husband is not giver her oral sex enough after they had a threesome. Had threesome because husband cheated.

    bisexuality marriage


  • call



    Anna, F, 26, Chatsworth

    Anna wants to date her professor.



  • call



    Gina, F, 27

    Gina's experiencing fatigue & muscle soreness.



  • call



    Robert, M, 32

    Robert wants to know how to avoid falling asleep during 16 hr overnight shifts. The answer? Don't work 16 hr overnight shifts.


  • call



    Matt, M, 29

    Matt weighs in on caffeine, benzos, & professors dating students. Adam proclaims him to be smarter than all of the night's callers combined.

    addiction dating Xanax


  • call



    neil, M, 41

    Thinks he raped someone



  • call



    kevin, M, 24

    Anal herpes

    anal sex herpes homosexuality


  • call



    Donald, M, 21, canada

    girlfriend cums too fast


  • call



    Anderson, M, Culver City, CA

    Anderson plays Adam's Theme Song.

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