Tuesday, August 28th, 2001 - #1543
Guest: Jay Mohr
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Jay’s always a fun guest. Loves trying to one up Adam in the comedy dept. Give it a listen.
Jay is annoying. I wish he would just shut up. You know when they have a guest that talks so much that Adam hardly gets in any rants and Drew hardly gets in any advice? That guest is Jay Mohr. I’m glad this guy’s career never went anywhere.
Adam and Anderson (via drops) really let Jay have it. Funny
Jay’s Christopher Walken impression is pretty funny – cracks up Adam and Drew. Lead-in to it stars around 43:00.
Jay was a bit overbearing at first with what seemed like were comedy routines right out of his acts constantly. Last half of the show he settles in and he is a decent guest then.
Jay’s Christopher Walken impression made me laugh aloud at work (whoops). He is sometimes annoying, but I think he hit it 100% on the caller who found her cousin’s porn.
Jay’s a good guest, but he gets a little annoying when a girl calls in talking about the bible. He tries coming back at her with all these petty deconstructions of specific stuff in the Bible, which never seems purposeful to me. To give things an ironic twist, most of his criticisms are either flat-out or mostly wrong and he openly admits he got these criticisms from one book that some guy wrote. So, he’s attacking the Bible using his blind faith in what appears to be a less than perfect book.
Jay Mohr sucks. He just keeps reciting bumper sticker cliches and just keeps trying to make everything about him.
If you don’t like Jay. you’ll hate this episode. It’s true his energy is way too much for loveline, but he has some absolutely hilarious lines and gets increasingly frustrated when they don’t even get acknowledged by Adam or Drew.
I like Jay a lot but can understand how he can be grating. Even still, this deserves a listen if for no other reason than to hear Drew and Adam basically tell Jay to chill out.
how anyone could marry him, or date him, or be friends with him, I just can’t imagine, he’s the most aggressive, endlessly energetic, annoying, overbearing, overly outspoken…. it’s funny listening to this though, he really throws Adam and Drew at first, they don’t expect it, they get scared, but everyone works together to reel him in, decent show overall
@goldenratio Jay went through some sort of “personality rehab” a few years ago and made the rounds apologizing for being an asshole all those years.
Jay is manic, for sure, but his jokes are actually JOKES, at least. compare jay with DAG’s nonsensical, manic screaming
Guests who talk too much > guests who barely talk though.
Jay sounds like he’s doing a Tony Clifton routine.
Jay is a good guest, several good calls
… honestly I’m not sure what to think about this episode.
I though this guest was funny. His neediness for validation was a funny act. On the Loveline guest energy spectrum 1-10, 1 being a silent comatose metal band bass player, and 10 being DAG, he is around an 8 for most of the show.
Also most of the episodes leading up to this one were good too. August 2001 was a good month in Loveline history.
I thought the show was kind of a roller-coaster but also pretty great … Mohr didn’t really get the tone of the show at first and was trying too hard, but instead of getting mad or just giving up he started to go with the flow.
I think at first the Anderson laugh-track drops annoyed him (as well as Adam making fun of him for thinking his jokes were amazing) but it felt like he adapted and was into it by the end. I think Drew liked him because of the Bible stuff and Adam seemed impressed as well.