Monday, June 11th, 2001 - #1487
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Comments (23)
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Calls & Tags (16)
Robert, M, 24
Wife wants sex more than him. He wants sex once a week at most, she wants it every hour.
John, M, 16
Called the previous week and was told to tell his girlfriend he loves her - he didn't because she had heard the radio show.
Corey, M, 21
When he masturbates he uses Icy Hot after losing a bet to a friend. Wants to know of the long-term effects.
William, M, 15
Wants to know side-effects of LSD if it's taken alongside depression medication.
Andrew, M, 23
Met Adam's "parents", Dennis Miller and Gilbert Gottfried. His friend has sex with prostitutes without a condom.
Vanessa, F, 18
Met a guy, 28, at a party two nights ago and gave him oral sex. Her tonsils are now double the size and have white patches.
Grace, F, 18
Had protected sex with a guy with herpes 5 weeks ago. Was tested for STDs 3 weeks ago and is still concerned that she has caught something.
Jay, M, 25
Smoked pot since age 12, quit 6 months ago. When he quit he lost his memory - how to drive his car, play his guitar etc.
Jamie, F, 39
Was physically abused as a child. Found out as an adult that she had been genitally mutilated by her mother. Now has no sexual desire.
Kimberley, F, 22
Had a 2nd trimester abortion four years ago and used speed heavily during the pregnancy. Now has many health issues.
Casey, M, 14
Comment on previous caller. Says the guy who uses Icy Heat is full of crap. Uses 'Ace Rockolla' as his screen name online.
Laurie, F, 20, Arkansas
Was raped five years ago. Had nightmares about it that have gotten worse recently.
Adika, F, 19, California
Dated a guy who had freckles on his penis. Wants to know if it's normal.
John, M, 38
Has a 10.5 inch penis that his partner can't accommodate. Wants to know if he should leave her for his boyfriend.
Chris, M, 15
His girlfriend has tried to kill herself. Wants to know how to deal with it.
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Origin of Adam’s “Born Gay” song.
Fantastic show. The birth of the drop, “Born gay, the life is to live gay.” And Adam farts in the middle of Drew giving out Dr. Bruce’s number.
Also: Turbulence PSA. Many vagina calls. Adam tells the story about his motorcycle ride in the rain when he peed on himself.
Ironically I listened to this yesterday and saw this article today about a guy who died because of turbulence haha: https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-69044396?src_origin=BBCS_BBC
All good looking women have been raped. *Drew laughs in the background*
One of the best timed loveline farts I’ve heard
00:00:13 Made me laugh out loud.
sorry 00:13:00
Shandala Shandala Shandala! Solid episode and some good/stupid callers.
The Icy Hot kid was so full of it. I got tricked into putting some on my wang and it was excruciating,
Did Adam come up with the “Born Gay” song??? I can’t find it anywhere, but it sounds like a real song…will listen to this episode now.
It’s from the sound of music or something. Born free
Thanks! My boyfriend says it’s from a movie called “Born Free” about a lion cub or some damn thang.
I think it’s this…have to look at the soundtrack to make sure, I suppose.
After the fart in the middle of Drew giving out Bruce’s phone number, he starts reacting immediately to the stench.
Adam: “It’s psychosomatic.”
*Drew groaning and laughing in the background trying to cover his nose*
Adam: “You heard the sound and now you’re reacting. It’s a placebo fart. You’re a doctor.”
Great episode. Good callers, good advice.
caller has 10/ 10.5 inch penis…adam at 1:07:00
Adam: By the way I’d love that my penis was so big I didn’t have to sweat that other half inch.
Drew: Ten, ten and a half
Adam: Ten, ten and a half, hey I’m 5 and 13/16 (drew and adam chuckle)
Drew: Two of your penis’
Adam: Whats that?
Drew: He’s got two of your penisis’
Adam: How dare you.
Drew: He does.
Adam: How dare you!!!
Drew: HE DOES!
Caller says he jerks off with Icy Hot. Adam immediately calls bullshit. The kid says it started because he lost a bet. Adam says no way, because there’s no way to enforce that bet.
Adam: “How do you enforce that bet? Did he watch you do it?”
Corey: “That time.”
Adam: “He did? Alright, well who am I to pass judgement?”
Corey: “I just want to know if there are any long term effects from that.”
Adam: “Well, if you ever sprain your penis you’ll be in great shape.”
The kid was not jacking it with icy hot.
As someone who was a young guy at one point in his life, I can only describe the feeling of icy hot as equivalent to taking a lighter and placing it directly underneath the balls or shaft…. extremely painful.
…WHAT! It was a bet. The most painful $20 I ever made during high school.
1:13:54 Origin of Adam’s “Born gay, life is to live gay” drop
1:30:20 drew giving out Bruce’s number and Adam breaking one made me crack up so god damn hard.
Vanessa @23:50 sounds exactly like Anna who called in about driving around and flagged down some 40 year old .. June 16th 2001 @38:51
Not sure if my last comment went through. Vanessa who calls in at 23:50 sounds just like Anna a few days later, June 16th 2001 at 50:37