Monday, June 4th, 2001 - #1482
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Bruce Heischober
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Show Summary:
Dr. Bruce as a guest pimping his Laser.
This episode is the source of the Australian Caller saying "My question is regarding my pecke
Recording Info:
Added: 8/2/2017
Recorded By: ?
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Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
omg the rare DR DREW and DR BRUCE together on a show!! lovvvee it
An overlooked gem.
Great piece about when Adam shared a futon in an apartment with a slot car set, rabbits, and a Space Invaders game.
I’m really not convinced that the “Australian” caller is legit. His accent is pretty good overall but it falters in places.
As an Australian I can verify that it’s a terrible fake accent and the whole call is as bogus as bogus comes, and the only reason they don’t call it is because they can’t understand a word he’s saying.
Yeah that accent kind of faded in and out and sometimes took on more of a British sound. Probably a goof.
Great episode. Dr. Bruce is there as a guest for the first part of the show to promote laser tattoo removal. Drew and Adam are on point with Adam giving good advice and Drew actual being genuinely funny on several occasions. Adam seemed to be in a good mood that night because he didn’t go off on any callers haha. 5/5
Christ, that was a depressing start to a show..
moye question’s regahhdin ma peckah. LOL
lol. Adam gets away with a racial slur that would most likely get a radio guy fired today. Their guest tomorrow night is Rabbi Shmuley, some Rabbi who gives advice much like Loveline does. He’s apparently a bit of a celebrity at this time.
Adam calls him “super-Heeb-celebrity Rabbi Shmuley.” Westwood None probably got some letters on that one and I’m sure the FCC spit their coffee all over the radio.
0:50:10 “My peckah” drop
Drew gets away with a much more un-FCC-friends slur in this show. Towards the beginning he refers to an action of Adam’s as “Faggoty”. I think both slurs would be flagged by the FCC today, just wanted to point this one out as well. I’ll try and go back and find a timestamp for this one as well
and wow, “the Australian caller” is not even CLOSE to pulling off that accent.
Isn’t Drew’s “faggoty self” comment a drop in this episode? I think the origin of this drop is earlier than this episode.
I can’t remember the last time drew and Bruce were together. Lots of calls from chicks that hooked up with older guys when they were teens. Hope they’re doing better today
The two docs