Sunday, June 3rd, 2001 - #1481

Guest: Dina Tawfik

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.87 (16 votes)

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Show Summary:

From Sex, Love & Choices

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Added: 8/2/2017

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Comments (17)

  1. pastahero

    All the LL sites say “Tina” but Adam and Drew clearly call her “Dina.” Anyway, I wonder what she looks like. She has a sexy voice but then again she’s an abstinence advocate.

  2. HarrySeaward

    Guest was better than I was expecting. The only thing that bumped me is when she tried to say you could get warts on your hands from giving a handie. Drew shut her down and then she back-peddled. Then Drew kinda pussed out, actually.

  3. yerpaderp

    The guest is not nearly as annoying as the pro-life woman from a while back. She still sounds like a religious idiot whenever she talks about sex/masturbation, though. Adam calls her on it a couple times, but I wanted more… If anything, it shows how useful a resource LL was than any sex ed course.

  4. pastahero

    Caller Sofina (sp?) at 0:52:36 has a boyfriend in prison and does a strip show for him outside his cell window. She says he was an asshole to her *before* he went to prison, and yet she plans to wait for him for a year until he gets out.

    I don’t necessarily think women are less intelligent than men, but I KNOW they have a greater capacity for stupidity. I know it. Their floor is far, far lower.

  5. LBND

    I thought Dina was an ok guest at first but then she reveals that she’s into abstinence only education! She doesn’t even think people should be masterbating.. So stupid: I bet she is a fat lesbian who can’t get laid anyway.

  6. clawson26

    I like this guest. She doesn’t take herself too seriously and had fun with Adam. Now that I’m older and looking in the rear view mirror it makes her advice look even better. I don’t know what all the venom toward her is about. Value her advice and opinion or don’t but the venom is just creepy and says more about the commenters than the guest.

  7. Ironblood

    While yes her point of view I very much disagree with, she is actually a decent guest. She’s not overbearing and actually agrees with the guys most of the time

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