Tuesday, May 29th, 2001 - #1478
Guest: Riki Rachtman
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
Listen to theShow
Show Summary:
Promoting his Cathouse Club
The return of Rikki Rachtman, Rikki returns to the show as a guest.
Adam shows up late and Rikki and Drew have already started the show plus Drew is sitting in Adam's chair both of these events cause Adam to be uncomfortable from the get go.
Rikki is not horrible, he is very self deprecating however he is also very annoying and is constantly plugging his various misguided ventures also when a classic moment from Headbangers ball is brought up he discusses it as though he wasn't there.
Listen only if you wish to hear Ace squirm, everyone in the room knows why rikki no longer hosts the show and it is funny to hear them dance around his lack of talent.
Recording Info:
Added: 8/2/2017
Recorded By: ?
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Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Ricki is truly the most narcissistic self indulgent douche ever. Every sentence he says begins with ” Cause I remember when I…”
Riki starts off tolerable but by the end of the show he’s unbearable. He just tries so, so damn hard to be cool.
45:13:Loveline, fastest growing outlaw radio in north america!!!!!!!!
I enjoyed the episode. Riki talks a lot, but good show! good chemistry between the guest and hosts.
Riki says he doesn’t do drugs anymore, but he talks so much and so fast I would have guessed he was on speed during this show.
I honestly didn’t think that Adam was as uncomfortable as unclepenny seems to indicate in the description. Also, having listened to shows from the Rachtman era (even the shows when Adam and Riki were co-hosts), I think Riki is a talented radio personality. Although many of his projects went under, I’m not so sure it’s because of his lack of talent.
Just after the 1:13:00 mark, Drew yells out for Anne or Tara to get someones number to call them back but he definitely mispronounces Tara (he says it like Tar-Ah). Adam immediately corrects him that its Tear-Ah (rhymes with Sarah) and they have a quick conversation about it. Then on the next end of the week episode (5/31), Adam thanks Tara don’t call me Tear-Uh.
I can definitely picture an off air conversation where Drew apologizes profusely for pronouncing her name wrong and Adam telling Drew he’s an idiot for not knowing anything. Nothing particularly interesting but probably the reason behind Tara don’t call me Tara god dammit.
Riki mentions that it is “Adam’s birthday tonight” at 0:29, This show is labeled May 29, yet Adam’s birthday is May 27.
Riki sounds like that nice enough guy that you still can’t stand.
Eg. When Drew mentions the growing despise of masculinity (pretty insightful and prophetic at the time) and the fad of “being in touch with one’s feminine side” Riki’s staunch denial of any knowledge of it made me cringe – He’s the fucking epitome of a 1990’s pussified man! What with all his hairdos, outfits, that overly sweet and silly, touchy-feely attitude (he probably hugs people a lot) ..and cats! C’mon now ! If he’s not gay than at best he’s a moderately butch lesbian.
Rikki mentions on this show that he remembers walking into Loveline and telling everyone that Tupac had been shot. That was September of 1996. Yet this site shows his last night in January?
I seriously am not trying to start arguments about dates, but how exactly are all of these dates found for some of these older shows? Especially the ones around 1995 and 1996? Some say the original Pennywise show was in June of 1995. Yet when Peter Tork was on, which was February 1996, a caller mentions Pennywise, and Rikki states that that was Drew’s favorite band in a sarcastic tone, which makes me wonder if it was earlier that year or 1994?
Riki has a tendency to be hyperbolic, he now claims that he set up the original 1994 or 1995 Pennywise incident, the date is still in question due to the lack of historical evidence. Riki was gone by January of 1996, he did not walk in and tell everyone about Tupac’s death, unless he had another radio show he was referencing.
He could be referencing the first time Tupac was shot in 1994.
“On the night of November 30, 1994, the day before the verdict in his sexual abuse trial was to be announced, Shakur was robbed and shot five times by three men in the lobby of Quad Recording Studios in Manhattan.” Which is plausible and likely did happen.