Sunday, April 8th, 2001 - #1441
Guest: Jenny Biondi & Nancy Sasaki
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
From Right to Life & Planned Parenthood, racist/antisemite with heavy Columbian accent calls in during second hour (source of Not Alright drop)
Origin of "No, not alright!" drop.
Recording Info:
Added: 8/2/2017
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Bitrate: 0kb/s
Comments (25)
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Calls & Tags (14)
Maria, F, 29
Maria says she would have opted for abortion, had emergency conception not been available to her.
Megan, F, 16
Anti-abortion. Wanted comments on an "advertising supplement" about Planned Parenthood, but is preempted partway by further discussion.
Jeff, M, 34, Detroit
Midnight shift pharmacist; wants to know about the use of Cytotec in conjunction with contraception.
Gina, F, 19
Question about Depo-Provera for Jenny, who defers to breast cancer risk. Drew weighs the risk of cancer against risk of pregnancy.
Jenny issues her closing argument and leaves. Second verse, same as the first: more 'you'll be sorry' rhetoric.
Dominic, M
"No not alright!" drop guy. Never knew where this came from until now. Super racist and funny (unintentionally).
1 -
Troy, M, 19
Adoptee disowned by religious family for impregnating his girlfriend (17). Planned Parenthood helped when pro-life groups wouldn’t.
Tony, M, 21
Plan B for women who’ve had complications in a prior pregnancy? Too involved with a possibly pregnant woman who’s already in a relationship.
Patricia, F, 26
Emergency care doctor refused her a prescription for the morning-after pill on religious grounds.
Ann, F, 31
'Earth mama' hippie lady with questions about herbal abortion, fertility lenses, and spinnbarkeit.
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no, not alright caller has to be a contender for the craziest loveline caller ever.
Not surprisingly, right-to-lifer Jenny is an abrasive twat, speaking with all the shaky logic and fallacious reasoning you’d expect from a nutty conservative. Fortunately, Adam ain’t havin’ it and grills her for her bullshit. Nancy from Planned Parenthood is disappointingly mute for much of the show (Adam actually asks her at one point to pipe up and defend herself) – it’d be nice if she actually appeared to care about such serious issues and be an articulate, outspoken advocate for her important organization and counter Jenny’s ludicrous agenda with the intolerance it deserves.
Good ol’ Dominic, the Colombian white supremacist shows up around ~1:00:02.
~1:03:56: Dominic: “Stop corrupting white people!”
Adam: “Alright, I’ll see what I can do. …Alright?”
Dominic: “No, not alright!”
Adam: “Alrighi-hi-hahahah”
Right wing nutjobs abound in this episode, whether it’s Jenny Biondi or the super racist Colombian guy.
Adam just dismantles this right-to-life representative with cunning and sound logic.. all she can do is spout her canned talking points… And with Drew’s well researched supplemental data, she is left looking like a complete retard and leaves after one hour.
Jenny is a great guest because she’s a horrible, angry person and Adam doesn’t let her bs slide. Great episode. A definite must listen.
Jenny Biondi has to be one of the worst speakers I have ever heard. Her arguments remind me of a pouty teenager who is trying to get a point across in a high school English class debate. Poorly researched and driven by her emotions and beliefs instead of facts. Also, the way she speaks to the two female callers (I think one is 16 and one is 19) is so condescending it’s like she is talking to a toddler!
Other than that, great show!
Jenny Biondi sounds like an actress doing a parody of a shrill, irrational pro-life harridan, that’s how grating she is. Any decent points she might have are negated by everything else she says.
Dominic is one of the most frightening callers ever. Forget his message; I’m just talking about his voice and cadence.
This lady was the WORST representative they could send to this show. The way she keeps saying Adam’s name is quite humorous. I was waiting for Adam to go “Hey, look bitch” the entire time. This lady reminds of a bunch of my friend’s moms that were huge bitches.
jenny kinda has a weak sarah palinish Alaskan accent thing going on. but her voice inflections make her sound crazy compared to nancy. regardless of their conversational topic
This Jenny person is a cunt.
Jenny is seriously a grade A bia-tch. This is a lesson in not how to argue a point.
Over the last four years or so, I have listened to most of the available episodes between 1995-2005. This show contains what may be my favorite joke from Adam. As the Pro-lifer describes-in gruesome detail-a late term abortion procedure (she is getting very worked up and her voice is very agitated), Adam jokingly asks Drew to “pass me some of that goulash.” It is delivered so subtly and almost inaudible, but I was literally incapacitated with laughter for several minutes the first time I heard it and then immediately replayed it several times after that. You can hear Drew laugh before moving away from the mic to let the nut-job finish her rant, which only added to the exchange for me.
Holy shit. Jenny is a massive bitch
What amazes me is that Jenny seems to be telling callers that, if Right to Life, or an organization just like it decides that a contraceptive used today is abortion at a later date, that she will “have that on her conscience”. As though they are the moral authority, not just in the present, but even retroactively. That is a level of pretentiousness and self-righteousness that I can barely begin to fathom. I’m glad that these people invalidate their own arguments, saving us the trouble of getting inside of their warped, thick heads.
The lady’s rant that leads to adam’s goulash joke starts at 35:13
Around 79:20 Adam floats his theory that women with bigger breast are at a higher risk of breast cancer which drew vehemently denies. Though, Drew says he hasn’t seen any studies on it. Adam says “I will be right on this” and it turns out he was according to a 2012 study.
You all just hate Jenny’s argument.
i hope this strident-voiced cunt gets hit by a train
Your comments couldn’t get any nastier, OscarMilde. Chill out.
1:03:59 Origin of the “No, not alright!” drop
Wow, barely 10 minutes in and she says it increases the risk for aids… in a nutshell that basically sums up the whole show.
I find it supremely ironic that in the months and years following this episode, the “No, not alright!” drop – spoken by a Colombian white supremacist & national socialist – is later misremembered by Adam as having been said by an (Arab) Muslim, and therefore is exemplary of middle-eastern / Levant emigres – a misapprehension co-opted by Anderson’s continual playing of the drop (I guess when one hears so many thousands of calls it’s easy to forgot the provenance of a given drop, even when it’s one as distinctive as ol’ racist Dominic’s).
The irony here being that the obstreperousness which Adam props up as exemplary of Arab / Levant / NE African immigrants (read: Muslims, Adam’s bigotry for whom is made not-so-subtly clear through his post-9/11 jags over the years), came straight from the mouth of a white supremacist national socialist — basically the ideological & ethnic nemesis of Muslims, especially middle-eastern Muslims.
Often when he’d be getting a head of steam recounting a shitty experience at a Lebanese or Armenian restaurant and building it into a jag about how “those people’re just mean”, Anderson would drop in the heavily accented “No, NOT alright!”, and Adam’s tone would change to one of vindication – a kind of “You see how these people are? What’d I tell you…” – as to him it was proof-positive evidence of the rudeness and intransigence of middle eastern people.
Now, NOTA BENE – I take no umbrage at all with Adam’s comments (beyond the fact that his knowledge of other cultures approaches zero, therefore making his uninformed blanket statements come off as old-timey crotchety Granddad casual racism). I despise Islam just as much as I do any other Abrahamic religion, and I don’t think anyone who *is* offended by Adam’s remarks has a leg to stand on. I’m just always swept up in the irony of a white supremacist’s words being completely misremembered as those of an Arab’s.
Can’t believe it’s taken me 19 years+ to hear this episode. Adam lays into this bitch over and over and over, It’s so bad it’s good, at a certain point it becomes obvious that he’s just throwing huge unblocked rib shots at her trying to get her to go outside of the planned statements but she just takes them and tries to keep going with her point. This is gold, if you want to hear Adam And Drew confidently tear down an obviously “under heard but over-zealous” woman who tries to make clear why she disapproves of the “morning after pill” Adam asking Jenny for the “increased AIDS percentage” and calling her statistic essentially bullshit because she had no numbers to back it up is flawlessly wonderful.
Lol so many comments on this episode. Hearing this Jenny chic say “Adam, Adam, Adam” over and over was torture. Gawwwd.
What a colossal and frustrated hoe