Sunday, February 25th, 2001 - #1411
Guest: Emily Procter
Host: Stryker, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
From the TV show The West Wing
Recording Info:
Added: 8/2/2017
Recorded By: ?
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Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Stryker is painful to listen to.
He’s a tool.
Damn, Drew sounds pissed tonight. He’s just edgy as hell. Early on a girl calls who was adopted and is mulling over searching for her biological parents. Drew is really against it and makes it well known. The guest, Emily Procter who is sweet as hell, was also adopted and sympathizes with the caller’s desire to meet her birth parents. Drew just keeps cutting her off and saying “but what would that do for you, what would that mean, you don’t owe them anything.” He just seems really aggressive and absolutely doesn’t hide his disgust for the callers throughout the night. Maybe it’s because he normally lets Adam do it, but even when Adam does it there’s an element of levity to it. Drew just acts like a dick.
Emily is a really good guest. Chimes in quite a bit with meaningful commentary and has good chemistry with Stryker and Drew. And she reveals that she’s shaved completely bald downstairs….which….you know, bonus.
I’d have to say that Landlubber’s review is dead on.