Monday, February 5th, 2001 - #1397

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Marcel

3.85 (23 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #1397 (feat. Dr. Marcel)
02/05/2001 – Monday Night Show
Source – Dr. Marcel Studio Tape (2010) with a Bryan M. KNRK CD Recording Patch (2001)

This episode features the great Dr. Marcel, this is the episode where fans declared him as the ultimate backup for Dr. Drew due to his comedic timing and abilities on mic. Solid calls, the episode is 100% complete with a slight audio upgrade.


Pitch has been adjusted in post to best match the original sound without distorting the audio of other sound sources, due to tape age, improper storage and or various other technical issues with the original recording setup. While these Board Captured Cassettes can have audio variation, the CD recording used for the patch cannot and does not. For the record this is a board captured official tape from KROQ provided by Dr. Marcel to Adam Dristle aka UnclePenny, this tape has been processed via multiple setups with varying equipment all of which produce the same pitch issues, while not as prominent as the pitch issues found in some fan recordings they still can exist, though not on HiFi VHS, DAT nor CD recordings. When there are no other known recordings to compare the episode to it becomes impossible to perfectly match, there's also the issue of vocal changes due to aging of the hosts, their voices changed.

Recording Info:

Added: 1/23/2024

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (10)

  1. jrcrispell

    This is the first time I’ve listened to a Dr. Marcel episode. He’s got a great sense of humor and timing, he’s interesting, and seems to actually understand how radio works. 10x better than Dr. Bruce (who is redeemed only because he’s good fodder for Adam’s ridicule).

  2. Landlubber

    A girl calls in who has a rocky relationship with her boyfriend and can’t seem to stop going back to him no matter how much of a dick he is. She asks if it’s possible to go somewhere where they’ll hypnotize her to forget him completely and erase him from her memory.

    I had to check when Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind came out to make sure she wasn’t just being dramatic after seeing it. Didn’t come out until 2004. Weird.

  3. Landlubber

    Girl calls who can’t trust men because her ex-boyfriend handcuffed her to a desk for three days when she tried to leave him. She slept and ate still handcuffed to the desk and the guy only let her out of the chains to go to the bathroom.

    Adam: “What kind of desk? School desk, roll-top?”

    Caller: “It was more like an armoire.”

    Adam: “Eh, doesn’t sound too bad.”

    The call goes on and they talk about how her dad and the dad of one of her friends raped her (not at the same time, it was two separate incidents). This lead her down the path of choosing abusive men.

    Adam suggest getting on meds and seeing a shrink. Then one final piece of advice.

    Adam: “And listen, if you’re attracted to a guy, I want you to run the other way, you understand me?”

    Caller: “Well I’m attracted to you so….”

    Adam: “Well, if I kept you chained to an armoire, I’d give you some 120 sandpaper and a staining brush and put you to work.”


  4. Lateralus

    Plastic surgery and lyposuction night. Guys who specialize in one thing seem to give better satisfaction on their wealth of info on the one subject as opposed to the general guys who know a little about everything, a little! Marcel is no exception with plastic surgery and lypo talk and it’s cool to learn about it. A breast augmentation is basically squeezing the tube of toothpaste haha

  5. LBND

    Marcel is a great co host, he speaks so clearly and is really coherent especially when you compare him to Bruce. I checked his Yelp page and it looks like he has almost exclusively positive reviews these days.

  6. hm2

    Found this episode to be too high on pitch. If you’re using VLC, go Tools > Effects and Filters > Advanced [Enable] and move it down to -0.8 semitones. It sounds good there…

    • Giovanni

      File Replaced!

      Pitch has been adjusted in post to best match the original sound without distorting the audio of other sound sources, due to tape age, improper storage and or various other technical issues with the original recording setup. While these Board Captured Cassettes can have audio variation, the CD recording used for the patch cannot and does not. For the record this is a board captured official tape from KROQ provided by Dr. Marcel to Adam Dristle aka UnclePenny, this tape has been processed via multiple setups with varying equipment all of which produce the same pitch issues, while not as prominent as the pitch issues found in some fan recordings they still can exist, though not on HiFi VHS, DAT nor CD recordings. When there are no other known recordings to compare the episode to it becomes impossible to perfectly match, there’s also the issue of vocal changes due to aging of the hosts, their voices changed.

      There was no mistake made in the transferring of this tape nor the processing/export. The equipment utilized is the best possible assembled.

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