Thursday, August 10th, 2000 - #1270
Guest: Nina Gordon
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
Listen to theShow
Show Summary:
From the band Veruca Salt
At one point Adam has Nina empty all of her candy wrappers from the trash so he can list on air all of the candy she has consumed since she arrived at the studio.
Adam discusses how crazy Kari Wuhrer is.
Recording Info:
Added: 8/2/2017
Recorded By: ?
Transferred By: ?
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
maybe a good icon for this page? this is on the sleeve for her 2000 album “Tonight & the Rest of My Life” album http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xn9OIDJqsqI/T9VlRKKLbDI/AAAAAAAAKq0/bJJUYZXYzhM/s400/Nina+Gordon+Tonight++the+rest+o.jpg
Not a very high-quality image… I found and put up another one.
Nina is nice and has kind of cool songs but I couldn’t help but notice she had some strain of the little girl voice lol