Wednesday, June 14th, 2000 - #1229

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.63 (28 votes)

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Show Summary:

Adam goes off on Town car/limo drivers and about how he was dropped off at the wrong hotel.

He did his final Conan O'Brien appearance earlier in the day and he is very honest about bombing in front of a horrible audience.

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: ?

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Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (17)

  1. yayer

    This is the worst episode of Loveline I have ever heard, but that doesn’t make it unlistenable. Every guest is effed up on quaaludes or moon juice, who knows. Adam and Drew have to repeat pretty much every question and still don’t get clear answers half the time. I actually listened to this show about a year ago, and in that time have not come across a more bizarre, tiring, and underwhelming to the point of break and laughter episode. 1 star out of 5, 2 thumbs up though. Give it a listen.

  2. Landlubber

    Adam talks about his appearance on Conan where he bombed terribly. “That audience hated me from the minute I walked out there.”

    It’s interesting because Adam is hilarious in the Loveline format but I’ve always noticed that he kind of bombs anytime he’s on talk shows. I don’t know what it is, but he’s not funny when he tries to be. When he’s on Loveline he seems like a laid back, cool, funny guy, and the analogies are just flowing naturally, but when he’s out on a stage trying to be funny he comes off as a D-list unfunny hack. It’s like night and day. It’s why he never made it as a conventional stand-up. Even his live shows now are just in the same format of his podcast. People shooting the shit. When he has to get out there and hit his beats with semi-scripted rants (like they do on talk shows) he sucks.

  3. codywalzel

    The stupidity is uncharacteristically rampant making for a frustrating listen. Adam and Drew play it pretty cool and have a good sense of humor that carries through the show- the quintessential loveline egotards all packed into one show.

  4. Landlubber

    Panaqua, it’s awkward isn’t it? I think it’s insecurity in front of a large audience. In the studio he seems very at home and comfortable and then he gets out there on a talk show and makes a stupid joke and looks out at the crowd like he’s begging for them to laugh. His style is cramped. I don’t blame him, I’d probably shit myself if I was ever on a talk show. The whole format is awkward and there aren’t many people who do seem comfortable on those shows now that I’m thinking about it. The only one who does really well is Louis C.K. and it’s because you can tell he truly does not give a shit.

  5. bigspanj42

    Louis CK is very funny, but you can tell that he gets into his material pretty quickly on his talk show appearances and he rarely strays from that. His FX show is wonderful and different, and it shows how talented of a writer and mind he is.

    I’m sure you have seen them already, but look up Norm Macdonald on Conan/Letterman/Stern. He is by far the best talk show guest ever, and one of the funniest people ever when a mic is just shoved in his face. He’s unfiltered and witty, but he can also tell any story and make it hilarious, even with no punch line.

    I agree that Adam was made for the loveline format. He’s is so quick, and a lot of the call’s are so tragic and serious that they are begging for some comedic relief. It’s amazing too bc all the pressure is on him to be funny (just like a talk show spot) bc drew and the callers are so dim when it comes to comedy, and he delivers night in and night out.

    And adam’s late night talk show sucked huge monkey tits.

  6. Landlubber

    Agreed about Louis getting into his material right away, but he is also REALLY funny off-the-cuff. There is an interview he did on Conan, after CoCo lost the Tonight Show and was doing shows in front of packed houses traveling across country. He does this little riff where Conan says “so you’re going to Pittsburgh for you next show” and a few people in the audience from Pittsburgh hoop and cheer, and Louis just looks out and says “it’s not a good place, but…” and it legitimately cracks Conan up because he isn’t pandering to the crowd.

    Louis: “It’s not. It’s not. It’s lesser than other places. There’s like a THOUSAND places better than Pittsburgh. Maybe millions. Well they’re here too, they’re not in Pittsburgh. They hate it just like I do.”

    Here’s a link to that interview. It’s part 2 of a 2-parter and I highly recommend watching both. The Pittsburgh moment happens at like 2 minutes and 10 seconds or so.

    Oh, and I love Norm Macdonald and agree completely with you on that.

  7. Lateralus

    This episode had more dumb callers than any in loveline history and it was hilarious, even drew was making fun of them. During my time on this site I’ve been trying to listen to and comment on every consecutive episode from like ’95 or ’96 to now, and I gotta say June in the year 2000 has probably had more dumb callers than any other month so far and it really stood out tonight. My favorite part was when the guy said he would practice masturbating in the 69 position lol, and then Adam said he’d have to either chose 6 or 9 lmao. I also love how drew would bring up the fact that Adam bombed I laughed everytime he did.

    I also have to agree with you guys, Adam was like meant to do loveline, but really isn’t good on talk shows. The last one I saw him on was jay Leno like a year or something ago and they were talking about comic con and Adam was going on for like 5 very long minutes on why we shouldn’t let “nerds” run this country, I was like wtf. There was also a younger female guest(something Stone it’ll come to me after I type this probably lol) and he was doing the pops carolla thing talking about how stuff was different back in his day. Thankfully jay shifted the convo towards cars. Any fan of a relatively not super famous person could say this but I remember thinking much of that audience won’t know his true potential or what he got famous for, and that’s too bad but we do and he keeps me coming back to this site.
    I’ve never watched any of his talk show but if it really was that bad, now I gotta see it haha

  8. Landlubber

    The ‘Adam isn’t funny when he tries’ axiom once again pans out with his Spike TV show “Catch a Contractor.”

    It’s a fun little show to watch but..yeesh Adam. He gets a little off-the-cuff jab in every now and again, but for the most part it just feels like he’s straining to be funny. And they throw in these little scripted bits too that are just horrible.

    Fun to watch them spring their trap on the shitty contractors though.

  9. knucklhd

    Yager gives the best comment about this show, which is that it’s horrible because of all the incoherent callers, but it has a sort of novelty quality, in that it’s so over the top horrible it’s worth at least one listen. Now this is different than a bad guest night, where you should take the advice of the commenters and avoid it altogether and skip to the next show…it’s basically like instead of 4 or 5 of these callers, it’s all of them. Literally all of them. If you’ve ever said to yourself, ‘what would it be like if they did a show where every single caller couldn’t even kind of communicate like someone who hasn’t suffered massive head trauma?’, then listen to this show and you will have your answer

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Calls & Tags (13)

  • call



    katie, F, 16

    first call of the show. making out with gfs.

    bisexuality separating/divorcing parents


  • call



    brian, M

    head-rush after bj


  • call



    eric, M, 17

    found crystal meth in moms pocket


  • call



    Christy, F, 20

    Is two weeks late for her period and is moody. Refuses to accept she's pregnant.

  • call



    Rebecca, F, 17

    Has questions about purging (eating disorder). Everything has to do with her mom, who is a doctor.


  • call



    Mike, M, 21

    Donates sperm. His friends have moral issues with it. He is unable to answer questions.

  • call



    Valerie, F, 15

    Is constantly horny. Has sex all the time. No dad. Lived with grandparents. Now lives with aunt. Chaos.

    rape/molestation sex addiction sex drive/libido

  • call



    Frank, M, 20

    Masturbates all the time, at work.

    masturbation sex addiction

  • call



    Julie, F, 28

    Has cramps when she has an orgasm. Claims that she becomes incontinent, but doesn't seem to know what that word means.


  • call



    Jennifer, F, 25

    She and brother had a "complicated" childhood.

    physical abuse by parent

  • call



    Brian, M, 16

    Has trouble with having an orgasm during sex. Sounds soooooooo sedated.

    orgasm difficulties

  • call



    Dr. Drew, M

    Dr. Drew Boogie.

    Dr. Drew Boogie/Shuffle

  • call



    Jennifer, F, 25

    Part 2. Sounds like a real bitch.

    physical abuse by parent rape/molestation

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