Tuesday, June 13th, 2000 - #1228
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
Adam calls in from New York after drinking all day. He is clearly intoxicated but not impaired.
Drew completely overreacts and gives Adam a hard time for the 1st break.
Recording Info:
Added: 8/2/2017
Recorded By: ?
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Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Drew doesn’t overreact at all IMO. Why deal with someone who’s drunk and having a tantrum?
Adam drunk as hell from New York
Girl who beat off a dog calls on towards the end
Adam: “Drew is such a fan of circumcision that he had his daughter done.”
Adam is totally screwing with Drew at the beginning (“I miss us”) and Drew thinks it’s real because he’s a square.
Wow, the girl beat-off a dog call is bizzare. Seems bogus but she has enough affect to be real.
Great rant about Jewish charities at about 0:50:00
Drew cracks a rare joke:
Adam: “Drew is such a fan of circumcision that he had his daughter done….”
Drew: “…and my dog!”
Anyone know where the “Boy am I drunk!” drop at 6:10 originated?
Adam is a functioning drunk, still entertaining and the Jewish charity thing was funny. That dog girl at the end was pretty gross and it was hard to pick up any bogusness
Girl calls in who says a couple years back she saw a dog trying to have sex with a female dog bug it was too big to insert itself. She felt bad so she masturbated the dog.
Adam: “She’s the Betty White of our generation.”
I believe this episode is the origin of drew being a passionate man.