Wednesday, June 7th, 2000 - #1224
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
Adam Loaded on Vicodin.
pastahero addition: Origin of Adam's "I'm gonna blow this guy" drop at about 56 minutes. Possible first mention of Drew's "passion."
Adam took a Vicodin for his ankle but I wouldn’t call him loaded. He doesn’t sound any different from any other night.
pastahero addition: Origin of Adam’s “I’m gonna blow this guy” drop at about 56 minutes. Possible first mention of Drew’s “passion.”
Great show with lots of good medicated Ace rants.
About 3 minutes in…..”Speaking of swelling in the joint” – This is why I listen to Classic Loveline.
Excellent no guest episode!
Drew calls adam a pussy like 5 times in this one. Sound quality improves in 23rd minute, new bumpers this episode. Pretty solid ep
Love love love the no guest shows. While some of the guests are great, there’s nothing like these shows. The chemistry between the two is palpable. They have great arguments and agreements, but ultimately they seem to share foundational beliefs about human nature.
@wasichu AGREED! Well said.
A kid calls in to say that about a year ago he and his girlfriend were having sex and she was on top. His penis slipped out but she was in motion and came down on it, causing it to bend back and pop. He now has sporadic erectile dysfunction during sex.
Adam: “Same girlfriend?”
Caller: “No different girlfriend.”
Adam: “She’s gonna love that story. ‘Hey baby sorry about the Johnson. The old bitch was riding it so hard she nearly broke it.'”
Ohhh man did Adam and Drew miss a golden smoke detector opportunity. At 55:50 Adam asks a question and when the caller is responding you hear the low battery beep in the background. Very disappointed they didn’t pick up on this. Maybe it was the Vicodin that caused the miss, although, usually Drew hears it more often, even if it’s nothing.
Heh, I thought they always notice the detectors, sometimes I’ve thought I’ve heard those faint beeps but since they didn’t bring it up I figured I was just imagining it!
It’s Vicodin night here on loveline.
40:08 may be the origin of Adam’s “Drew is a passionate, passionate man” bit. He notes they had a very honest conversation during the break. I’m re-listening from the start and I don’t recall hearing it before this night.
54:35 origin of the “hi mommy, i’m gay” drop