Wednesday, April 26th, 2000 - #1194
Guest: Robby Gordon
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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One of the best Lovelines ever.
Caller John at the end who can’t track is a great, classic Loveline dumbo caller.
Jason, half way through the show, is a hilariously crazy caller.
Robbie Gordon is pretty quiet and only really talks when it’s about racing.
Robbie seems like a nice guy, but I feel like he doesn’t get Adam’s humor. His couple “whaaaaat?” responses to Adam’s jokes are pretty funny though.
Robbie is nice but idk if he knows as much about engines as one would think haha. Lots of funny moments though like Adams impression of a girl saying she’s not a virgin lmao
According to Google, it’s spelled Robby, and the boy seems to be a bit of a dullard.
Fixed. Thanks.
As mentioned above in the comments, Robbie doesn’t seem to really get Adam’s jokes. Not to mention, it was a weird energy night. Most of the callers seem to be nuts or dumb. One thing that stood out to me however, was in the beginning of the show, Adam asks Robbie how safe the Winston cup cars or at the time. He mentioned that they were pretty safe. How that comment would not age well, as Dale Earnhardt would die a few months later in a Winston cup car.
Also, for anyone interested, Humpy Wheeler is quite the name in NASCAR racing. He used to be the promoter at the Charlotte motor speedway. Many drivers can credit him for some of their chances in racing. As a race fan, I figured I would let anyone know who reads these comments this information. Not that it really matters in the long run.