Tuesday, April 25th, 2000 - #1193

Guest: Bad Religion

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.81 (27 votes)

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Show Summary:

The band is running late and Adam and Drew start the show talking about the DR.Drew.com "Drive Me Crazy" launch party, it was a web based show that followed a man and woman in an RV across the US.

Drew had to leave the party early and Adam no showed after a long day taping a man show bit, Adam then compliments Drew for not getting upset that he no showed the party.

A young man calls in with concerns about telling his female friend he is in love with her, Adam then recounts a young woman who he was in love with in high school and how they went on a few dates and fooled around but they didn't have sex.

Adam claims he was in love with her for a year prior and a year after their dates, and he new her favorite perfume Ralph Lauren's "Lauren" fragrance in 1981 or so.

Adam then claims he somehow cam across a bottle of this perfume, he claims he didn't buy it, Adam "I used to spray that on my wrist and sniff it while I was having myself, it was great..."

Drew "....you are a sick F..." so Hilarious.

Drew comments that he ran into Bill Maher at the party and his girlfriend who was of "Johnny Quest Villain" nationality and then Adam explains why they use that phrase.

Dr.drew mentions that he ran into Jimmy at the party and Jimmy explained how they filmed the man show bit where he married a chimpanzee, Drew explains that is was a male monkey and he was shocked by what they did.

Adam "...oh yes and it did achieve an erection at a certain point".

Drew discusses how much he loved the bit.

Greg and Adam discuss their respective high schools, Adam went to North Hollywood high and Greg went to El Camino.

Adam has Anderson play Pennywise's "take a ride" off of the Album straight ahead, and Adam says he thinks it a rip off of Bad Religions "A walk", Greg explains that pennywise are friends of BR and have opened for them many times.

Drew "....Pennywise has friends?"

Adam then shows Greg the Trophy that Fletcher from Pennywise brought in on their last visit, the one with vomit inside it under plastic resin.

Greg seems to think its very funny and the Adam requests that Anderson play the clip from their first appearance.

Adam speaks to a drunken Daniel Kellison at the Dr.Drew.com party during the commercial breaks and he informs him that Cousin Sal is wearing a name tag for Dr. Mort Pinsky, Drew's father.

Adam theorizes that Sal beat and robbed Drew's dad or picked out of the ground after Drew's dad left.

Drew comments on how both Jimmy and Sal have tiny hands and how odd it was.

Adam mocks Drew's wife for drinking Red Bull and Vodka and what ridiculous drink it is, Greg brings up his love of Red Bull.

Adam discusses how weird it is to be around a drunk amorous women when your stone cold sober, his description of this hilarious.

Adam says that last week he recorded the security guard sleeping, and informs Greg of how it all went down.

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: JBJ

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (4)

  1. TawnyaLee

    Good episode. Greg Graffin from bad religion is the guest. Unlike a lot of guests he is well spoken, smart, and is involved with the callers. One of the better guests they have on the show.

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