Sunday, April 9th, 2000 - #1181

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.79 (36 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #1181 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts)
04/09/2000 – Sunday Night Show
Source – Lost Tape VHS (2018)

An episode first recovered over 18 years ago, now complete with the missing 18 minutes restored. The episode is now 100% complete with a huge audio upgrade. Lots of dumb and bogus callers, now with a conclusion to the episode. HiFi VHS LoveLine is only secondary in sound quality to DAT/CD recordings.

Recording Info:

Added: 10/5/2020

Recorded By: Anderson

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (17)

  1. Orangeplanet

    The call from Antonio right around the 57 minute mark really makes this episode great. Antonio talks about how his grandfather went crazy from drinking that that his aunt was very religious and that he used to be an atheist until one day he woke up really believing in God. And now everyone thinks he is crazy because he is always talking about God and his whole life he has believed that one day he would be locked up in a loony bin. Then a classic Loveline exchange happens:

    Dr. Drew: “Are you doing speed?”
    Antonio: “I’m very exocentric.”
    Dr. Drew: “Are you doing speed?”
    Antonio: “I’m a musician.”
    Dr. Drew: “Are you doing speed?”
    Antonio: “Yeah, kind of.”

    Adam and Drew then do a very funny Loveline reenactment of the above. Antonio then asks why he has insomnia. Great, great call.

    Here is the call list for the show:

    Justin. Condom broke while having sex.
    Adam, 15. Fears girls and is afraid of being rejected.
    Engineer Anderson distracts Adam.
    Chris, 19. Condom slipped while having sex.
    Adam talks about how condoms should have snap rings so that they don’t slip.
    John. A toilet flushes and then the caller hangs up.
    Alisha, 17. Wants to move in with her dad who just got out of prison.
    Charles, 19. Had sex with another girl and is afraid she will tell his girl friend.
    Justin, 15. Worried because he went down on his girl friend when he had a cold sore.
    Chris, 15. Wants to ask a girl out but he gets an erection every time he is around her.
    Adam and Drew discuss the different types of underpants for men.
    Scotty, 25. Gets more depressed as he does more exercise.
    Emily, 22. Wants to know if a guy can have an orgasm without ejaculating.
    Adam tells Drew why he won’t let his maid do his laundry.
    Brian. Wants to know the long term affects of DXM.
    Cindy, 17. Likes having boys for friends.
    Jeannette, 17. Worried boyfriend’s seaman is too watery.
    George, 19. Bogus caller. Diagnosed with HIV after sharing needles with this uncle.
    Dave, 17. Had anal sex. Wants to know if his girlfriend’s butt can get stretched out.
    Jason, 23. Girlfriend says that she can’t have children because when she was 14, she had sex with a guy whose penis damaged her cervix.
    Adam and Drew have a funny discussion on things guys would rather hear about their girlfriend (including that she once killed people) other than that her last boyfriend had a huge penis.
    Melissa, 18. Has pain during sex.
    Trisha, 25. Uses the rhythm method for birth control and is worried that she can’t get pregnant.
    John, 23. Wants to know if it is normal for a girl to have an orgasm after a few minutes of making out.
    Antonio, 25. Best call of the night.
    Anthony, 17. Has panic attacks on Sunday nights.
    Vanessa, 19. Two months pregnant and wants to know if it is too late to get an abortion.
    Elaine, 22. Boyfriend just relapsed on code.
    Shannon, 17. Vagina is sore after having sex using a condom.
    Max, 20. Likes a 16 year old girl. His friends don’t approve.

  2. Landlubber

    haha, Orangeplanet, the Antonio reenactment was hilarious.

    Adam (In Antonio’s Spanish accent): “I found Jesus Christ. People think I’m going to end up in a looney bin.”

    Drew: “Antonio, are you doing speed?”

    Adam: “I play the bass fiddle.”

    Drew: “Are you doing speed?”

    Adam: “I’m verrry eccentric.”

    Drew: “Are you doing speed?”

    Adam: “My mother has accused me of being a male prostitute.”

    Drew: “Are you doing speed?”

    Adam: “Oh yes.”

  3. Dysaray

    I really honestly think that bogus caller “George” is actually leon.

    The way he talks and breathes in between his words is exactly like leon. He almost talks in a rushed manner while repeating questions and acting panicked.

    My last hunch would be adams almost primal instinct to kick his ass. Adam gets pissed, but never wants to just kick ass to kick ass.

  4. foofighter77

    Adam’s rant about people doing their job and threatening to quit if they can’t provide things like a security guard at the radio station – great Carolla bit.

    (at around an hour 10 min)

  5. Landlubber

    Caller Vanessa: “Well um, I noticed that I’m 2 months pregnant and I want to know if I can have an abortion, if it’s too late to have an abortion?”

    Adam (with enthusiastic optimism): “It’s NEVER too late to have an abortion!”

    He goes on to say that kid was never gonna be President so don’t worry, and that he was just down at Lake Havasu and “we could do with a lot less people, we really could.”

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