Tuesday, February 15th, 2000 - #1143
Guest: David Alan Grier
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Calls & Tags (9)
Tony, M, 20
Wants to know if it's possible that his girlfriend had 13 orgasms in one sitting.
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Bryan, M
Has extremely large nuts and they slap on his thighs when he's running track and field.
2 -
Kelly, F, 29, Unknown
Wants to know if it is possible to fall in love with someone you have never meet, only talked on the phone and written letters to each other
1 -
Jim, M, 17
Ex-girlfriend stalking caller. Drew and Adam kind of forget about him because David Alan Grier goes off on his stupid rant again.
1 -
, other
Origin of DAG’s vomiting - one of Loveline’s most used drops. It’s bittersweet listening to this now that DAG doesn’t like Adam & Dr. Drew
Shannon, F, 16
Raped 1 month prior to call in Las Vegas. Molested as a child for 6 years, nearly every day. She is hesitant to tell her mom about the rape.
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It’s a shame this isn’t longer!! Great little piece though.
Amazing show. I normally can’t take much of DAG but he’s on his A-Game tonight. This show is the origin of the “AH HA HA AH HA HA AH HA HA HA!” drop.
I, too, generally don’t get DAG’s brand of humor but he was pretty funny in this episode. There are about 10 minutes of DAG making his notorious vomiting sound which has been played in nearly every LL episode since. Drew and Adam are laughing so hard they can barely breathe.
Haha Cuba Gooding Jr. was one of the guys that DAG’S ex was cheating with.
35 min ‘Thank God for Dr Drew’ drop source
Yet another gem from DAG.
DAG Is the best loveline guest
Some of these callers are so snippy when they are clearly in denial.
DAG is great.
Adam’s reference to that owl from the Tootsie Roll Pop commercial during the stripper lollipop call is hysterical. Been listening to the man for like 15 years at this point and still mining gems out of his work.
Origin of DAG’s “twinkie hole baby WOOOAAAOWWWW!!!!” drop at 1:15:00
1:19:17 DAG throws up when Adam says wiping his butt is like getting peanut butter out of a shag carpet
39:40 DAG commenting on Drew explaining what could happen as a result of anal sex: “Oh, stop. Dr. Drew! Can we have any fun in this society without you ruining it!?” Lol’d
a good ep overall. The calls were kind of weak but some good stories.
At 1:19 Adam talks about how he finally received his toilet seat/bidet today.
Right after the toilet seat, DAG starts vomiting for the first time. Adam dies of laughter.
The vomiting episode. DAG at his finest. Over the top funny non stop but when a serious call comes in he knows when to turn it off and is even able to dole out some solid advice.
First off, very sad story from Shannon..i really hope shes ok now. But if any of you have seen “Marcel the Shell” check out her voice. Mahalo
starts @ 1:28:03
Dag seems more thoughtful In this compared to others but only slightly
Epic D.A.G. barf drop @ 01:19:18 whilst Adam explains his new bidet: “it’s like tryin’ to get peanut-butter out of shag carpet…”.
Do yourself a favor and do not download any DAG episodes. Very unfunny and highly annoying guest.
@KellyBix87, if only your warning had come before all those people listened to and voted this show into the top ten, think how much wasted time you would have saved them.
Good to hear Drew “little lord Fauntleroy” Pinsky laughing along to the vomiting.
The drop around 33 minutes of Adam and an un-named pornstar having at eachother is absolutley halarious to me. I can’t figure out why but I love it so much.
I think I found a bogus call here….
“Shannon”, 16 F sounds exactly like “Nina”, 14 F who called in on 12/6/2000, 1:01:45.
I will never understand why the DAG episodes are always rated so highly. I think he’s incredibly annoying and not funny at all.
Every time I hear this one, my bogus alarm goes off when I hear caller Justin.
I’m pretty sure the caller “Justin” is the same kid who called in when Violent J from ICP was on. He asked a similarly ridiculous question before J tore into him haha.
I always thought DAG was just doing vomiting noises? I know he talks about getting gag reflexes easily in another ep.
Many depressing calls in this episode. Esp Shannon. 🙁
Why is David Alan Grier so horribly unfunny? He’s just obnoxious.
DAG is the worst
35:14 Origin of the DAG drop “Thank God for Dr. Drew! Not Dr. Adam… I don’t see Doctor in front of your name Mr. Big Mouth.”
0:37:55 Anderson plays Iago’s (parrot from Alladin) “What?!” drop
0:42:50 Drew drop: “There’s a wives tale out there that, that black men have larger penises”
1:15:07 Origin of the DAG drop “Twinkie hole baby, WOOOOOOOOO!
1:15:10 Origin of the DAG “scream” drop
“Cuba Gooding Jr. hooked me up with his gym.” Little did DAG know that Cuba would be hooking up with something else…
Wait… What else did Cuba Gooding Jr hook him up with?
Cuba hooked up DAG’s ex with some dick. Check out the 9-25-2002 episode.
@kjacksonblue On the 9/25/02 episode with DAG, he goes through an emotional ordeal that may or may not have involved Cuba and a handful of other celebrities. Great episode:
DAG rags on Adam all the time in this episode, putting him in his place. Love it when a guest does that.
Is there a video for this show?
I always thought that the vomiting sounds were fake.