Tuesday, January 18th, 2000 - #1123
Guest: David Arquette
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
Listen to theShow
Show Summary:
From the movie Scream 3
Promoting Scream 3, They briefly discuss David bursting into the studio a few months prior as well as his mental status.
The celebrity dodgers game where Adam got into an argument with jack gilardi.
Very funny episode
Ace mentions snorting a line of semen and that he would be 300 pounds if he was to consume his own after each time he was finished.
Ace discusses his KY Jacuzzi.
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
The “Other Recordings” section has “Loveline – 1998-03-XX David Arquette (Scream 2, Year 2000).mp3” (0:45:31). Should that be removed and/or moved to this page?
Yeah, I’ll move it over here after I check to make sure it’s the same show, Scream 3 vs 2, that might be the ’97 ep as the 2nd one came out in December of that year. I’ll do some listening and figure out it’s place, nice catch.
T’was the ’97 ep. File has been moved out of the “Other Recordings” page.
Dr. Drew promotes Wellbutrin at 1hr 11min mark saying it’s has a sexual side effect.
Audio is rough but tolerable. Pretty good appearance from Arquette. Is there to promote Ready to Rumble. He later became World Heavyweight Champ in WCW XD. 4/5
First episode as guest since famous walk in
Wants to know why gay kid has all the chicks around him at school: “Um so what’s the connection between the homo and the girls?”
Adam talks about dreaming of making a sports movie where he’s in the center of a ring and people are cheering.
Dream come true.
Good Ep But… Wow, I hope David’s band was short lived!!!